Export Test Cases From Qc To Excel Using Vbscript

Posted By admin On 28.07.19

Jul 23, 2017. Dear LEM Reader's, In this article I am going to share VBA code to download the test cases from QC in Excel Sheet. Here in this example. A: Using QCUtil object (AKA TDUtil for QTP 6. You can find details of all associated properties like Current. Run, Current Testset, Current.

  1. Your customized Judge Group jobs feed. Note: Due to client confidentiality and the proprietary nature of the job search, Judge does not list every available.
  2. How will you feel if you can get everything just in one click from Quality Center say a graph showing the. Number of failed, passed & not completed scripts and the recent status of all the test scripts you are willing to see with the name of tester,time of execution and pass/fail status without opening the Quality.
Active1 year, 11 months ago

I am trying to find a way to automate uploading manual testcases in excel to ALM. I have been using the 'Export to HP ALM' Addin. However, This process is manual as you need to select the range and follow the wizard like steps of this Addin.

Upload Test Cases From Excel To Qc Using Vbscript

Export Test Cases From Qc To Excel Using Vbscript

Is there anyway to use this Addin using Macro/vbscript ? Reform siddur downloads. or is there any way to use the same map name used in this addin through OTA ?

Export test cases from qc to excel using vbscript

Update 1:

Found a way for the above question ( the answer is posted below ) However, I need to speed up the process i.e. decrease the time taken to upload. Any help on this ?

Export Test Cases From Qc To Excel Using Vbscript

1 Answer

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