Death Scream Bloody Gore Rar
Posted By admin On 16.07.19Previous - June 2010
:: The Vikings of Bjornstad:: Old Norse Dictionary Old Norse to English: This dictionary, in both Old Norse to English and English to Old Norse versions, is derived. Four thugs hold a local jeweller to ransom. The wife and daughter are raped and murdered and then he is shot when the alarm is activated. On the run they kidnap. 'Scream Bloody Gore' by Death to Get Deluxe Reissue. March 30, 2016 Angie Gomez Blog Leave a reply. “Death's discography has been gradually undergoing stunning reissues, featuring remasters of the original tapes and a wealth of bonus content with each album. The last to receive the treatment is the band's masterful.
July 2010Name: | Moriarty |
But I've always blindfolded 'my victims' Old Boy. And Hooded them too! Why should the villain of the piece be uncomfortable wearing some kind of Mask or Hood to conceal his identity when he can do that t' his victim and make them even more uncomfortable? Think of the capture scenes in 'Vendetta' fer instance. Then think of the hood being pulled off leaving th' poor girl blinded by the harsh lighting ... and the growing horror in her eyes as she takes in the interrogation room (or whatever) |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 04:50:43 AM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
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Homepage URL: | |
So the debate is about blindfolds is it? I'm not trying to be non-committal when I say that we don't have a hard preference one way or the other, but we truthfully don't. The reasons we've used so many of them over the years are assorted. --Since scarves are one of our primary fetish items, blindfolds gave us something else to use one for. --When we first started out I was still somewhat worried about being recognized so there was the disguise aspect of the blindfold. This is still true for why there is usually a blindfold on Peter in most of our FemDom themed productions. --And most importantly...we really DO think a blindfold adds erotica to the situation for the person who is blindfolded. I will admit that I actually do really like using them in our personal play and we incorporate them all the time. So that is my two cents on the subject. We DO like them and we DO use them in our productions to this very day. I will say honestly though that when we first started out and we were including blindfolds a lot we got bunches of emails about wanting to see my eyes in the scene. So when we started showing my eyes and face more often we started to get messages from people wondering where the blindfolds had gone. In summary, it's a very personal choice. Thank you to Ralphus for the featuring of my photos and I plan to send him another batch soon too. And I know I owe you the banner exhange too Ralphus and we will take care of that now that I'm back at home. Cheers to all my GIMP friends!! Caroline Branson |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 09:33:47 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
I know this is the time of year when we lose some folks, such as Sloth, but I wonder what happened to LTL? I'm worried that GAG, the Game-show Actors' Guild (currently headed by Pat Sajak, I believe) may have caught up with him. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 05:38:40 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Tarl has posted pics of two movies that I've neither seen nor heard of. Maybe someone out there has, and would care to comment. The first is called La Orca, and has an abduction theme. The woman is grabbed by a few guys, gagged and hooded, taken to a remote location, cuffed behind and chained to a bed. Some of the pics show her stripped and fondled in that position. There are also scenes of her using the toilet and taking a bath with one of the guys watching her. Oh, the humiliation. The second is called Naked Massacre and involves a home invasion by a couple of knife-wielding thugs. Naturally, the occupants of the house are fine young women who eventually are forced to get naked. But get this - they are forced to have sex with each other. At some point, things get bloody (as the title would imply). That's as much as I can tell you, based on the picture series. No one here has reviewed these flicks yet. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 07:04:01 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Tarl has posted pics of two movies that I've neither seen nor heard of. Maybe someone out there has, and would care to comment. The first is called La Orca, and has an abduction theme. The woman is grabbed by a few guys, gagged and hooded, taken to a remote location, cuffed behind and chained to a bed. Some of the pics show her stripped and fondled in that position. There are also scenes of her using the toilet and taking a bath with one of the guys watching her. Oh, the humiliation. The second is called Naked Massacre and involves a home invasion by a couple of knife-wielding thugs. Naturally, the occupants of the house are fine young women who eventually are forced to get naked. But get this - they are forced to have sex with each other. At some point, things get bloody (as the title would imply). That's as much as I can tell you, based on the picture series. No one here has reviewed these flicks yet. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 07:05:46 PM
Name: | Liberty |
E-mail address: | |
I prefer to not wear a blindfold for an extended period of time. I like to see what is happening and be a part of it. But sometimes you don't get a choice.. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 07:12:10 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Wonder Woman: I have no idea if the proposed movie is ever going to come together (some of the stories online seem doubtful). But if the movie were to happen, and if I had a say in the casting, I'd seriously suggest looking at pop singer Katy Perry for the role. I have no idea if she can act. But check out her outfit at this recent performance at the MuchMusic Video Awards in Toronto. That, in my view, is what Wonder Woman should look like. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 09:56:15 PM
Name: | Badger |
Yik Yakker: If it is the 'Naked Massacre' that I am familiar with, it is a French film with only one attacker and is based on Richard Speck's murder of nine student nurses in Chicago many years ago. I recall it as yet another flick with great unrealized potential. There is one fairly decent rape scene and one where he forces a girl on girl. But it squanders too many opportunities to deserve anything more than a C. |
Thursday, July 1st 2010 - 10:28:38 PM
Name: | Alan Bordier |
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I'm a sketcher (erotic and BDSM drawings) and I'm a new member here. Very interested by the topic. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 12:18:22 AM
Name: | jhlipton |
E-mail address: | |
I'm taking a month-long 'exile'/vacation from all things porn-related so I can enjoy my wedding night at the end of the month. I'll see you guys again in August. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 02:20:11 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Catching up on a few things... Wonder Woman makeover: Personally, I'm not a superheroine fan, but even I could appreciate how well Lynda Carter filled out her costume on TV. Galt is right when he mentions what a mistake it would be to change an icon like Wonder Woman for what is perceived to be a change in today's audiences. A poster to the Boilerplant group put it succinctly when he heard the news: Two words....New Coke!!! I also think it's a waste of time to speculate on who's going to star in a proposed new movie and whether she'll be tied up or not. It's the same answer I had when someone mentioned a Red Sonja movie. Think about it. This is 2010. Damsels in distress are passe in the movies. Empowered women rule. That's why there's seldom any explicit rape scenes made anymore, and the worst treatment is going to be reserved for men. I don't like it; I think it's stupid, but that's what sells in this day and age. It's not gonna be a different in this case, either. ------------- YikYakker: Like Badger noted, Naked Massacre was based on the Richard Speck murders of the student nurses in the 1960s. I bought it from Larry at Video Mayhem years ago, even after he tried to dissuade me from ordering it. It turned out to be not bad; I took some footage from it, at least. It's kind of a grim film, full of bondage but the women aren't tied to anything. They just sit around tied up waiting to be slaughtered. It's not nearly as much fun as a serial killer movie should be. My favorite scene is one that Tarl didn't cap, surprisingly. One of the more attractive victims, while still bound and gagged, attempts to hide in a small closeted area behind a curtain. The killer figures out where she is and taunts her from the other side. You can see her wide eyes and gagged mouth as she cowers behind the curtain, helplessly. The bad guy offs her by jabbing his knife through the curtain where he figures she's at. It's a direct hit. I found a source for La Orca; I'll try to take a look and report if there's anything good to see. ------------- Beginning tomorrow night on the GIMP...some very good stuff. Wake the kids, phone the neighbors. By request, we'll have some really awesome vidcaps from Jess Franco's Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun, starring the beautiful young actress Susan Hemingway as the naked, tortured victim. And I know these are great caps because I made them myself. I consider this to be Franco's best film, and since he's the greatest exploitation director of all time, that's saying something. Seriously, I think you guys are gonna love these. And also scheduled sometime later on this month, we'll have some vidcaps from the upcoming Red Feline release, starring the GIMP's very own sex symbol, Jane von Detlefson. This will be her first movie without the fake blood they usually use. From talking to Jane, she says there will be strangling, plenty of whipping (real marks, no blood), a great AOH suspension scene, rape, tons of taunting and humiliation, etc. She's seen the rushes of what they've shot and says it's really hot and that she really pushed my physical limits for this movie. So that's something else to get excited about. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 02:22:53 AM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Since this is the last day of my photos being featured :( I thought I would pop on and say hello one more time, but then I saw the Ralphus observation about the preferences in 'mainstream' showbusiness toward 'empowered' women and the lack of scenes that explicitly show the woman being raped and/or abused. This is an interesting observation to me because we have seen exactly the same trend occurring in our business over the past 11 years. I'm not going to go back and check everything I've posted here, but I'm always open about the fact that I'm a reluctant Dominant. The truth is that I'm a natural submissive and Peter is VERY Dominant and our original videos reflected that. time went by we got requests for me to Dominate Peter and we shot some content with that theme and all I can tell you guys is that the FemDom genre is MUCH more popular for sale. And for that reason we shoot tons of that theme now. We shoot LOTS of custom stories for clients and even when we are hired to shoot these custom videos it runs about 8 out of 10 of them feature a female Dominant storyline...and it is also interesting that they are becoming increasingly violent. It had never happened before, but during our last big round of shooting included two videos where I was asked to kill the guy. Luckily I do at least have a Dominant streak in me somewhere and don't mind shooting that sort of stuff. I suppose my summary point is that I can confirm that there is a general movement toward Dominant women. I've also meant to offer to my new friends here on GIMP the opportunity to ask me any sorts of questions you might have wanted to ask an adult producer....and a female one at that. So please feel free to post any sorts of inquiries you might have and I'll take a swing at them. Thanks to everyone again and I am enjoying participating here too. Cheers! Caroline Branson |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 09:06:33 AM
Name: | John Galt |
Caroline Branson: So what I am wondering is, does this increase in femdom reflect that more women with a desire to see the tables turned are becoming more openly involved in BDSM porn, or does it reflect that more men are turning into pussies and/or acting out their self-loathing and wanting to be dominated? Okay, that was unfair, and obviously reflects my proclivity for seeing males dominating females. So let me rephrase that: Or does it reflect an increasing sensitivity in male porn customers who are more accepting of gender equality and have a desire to explore their submissive side? Certainly, in the last year or so we have seen an increase in female posters to the GIMP forum: you, Jane von Detlefson, Eda Chang, Delila Darling, and Hiliary Mariadubh nicSeamus in just the last month. Then there's Wednesday Harrington, Gabriela, and others from months past. So maybe women are becoming more vocal and active, but unless you can reveal that the majority of your femdom requests are coming from women, I suspect men are behind the femdom increase. Do you suppose this is just an equalizing of porn tastes that were already there but seldom revealed? Has it become more acceptable now for men to want to see femdom and fantasize about being dominated? Or are women pushing it from the other side? It sounds like you pull out your reluctant dominant side (and Peter suppresses his natural dominant side) to shoot custom requests. But Ashley Fires, whom I happened upon years ago in a Hogtied shoot and loved as a sub, has gone dom. I watch her dominate women, but as much as I like seeing her naked, watching her dominate men does nothing for me. Bobbi Starr, another girl-next-door beauty who was a delicious sub, seems to do primarily dom work lately. And I can remember when Chanta Rose was a sub. And Lorelei Lee and Harmony. And that's not to mention the natural doms like Princess Donna and Isis Love. Personally, I have no fantasies about being dominated or seeing men dominated, and so that flavor of porn has no home on my almost filled-to-capacity 1TB external HD. But I have no issue with the genre, as long as it doesn't displace what I do like. Or take away all of the best subs and turn them into doms. That you can move so easily between the dom/sub modes probably says a lot about your relationship with Peter. And really, I think a significant portion of your subscribers are there to see you and/or Peter as opposed to just the latest bondage rape shoot you've done. And then there's another group who just love scarves and I believe you might have the market cornered on that niche. So maybe a lot of your custom shoots are requests from guys who want to be dominated by you. Hmm.... |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 11:19:27 AM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Well Mr. usual your observations and inquiries are nuanced and various....and occasionally sarcastic. But before I venture outside what you mention in your post, let me answer as best I can the questions you asked. First and foremost, I do absolutely believe it is men who are behind the FemDom climb. Some of this may be due to increased social acceptance of this. Some may be due to so many men having to be the 'alpha male' in everyday life and preferring to let the woman 'take over' in the bedroom. And some of it might be thanks to American men seeing women in powerful business and political positions and imagine themselves submitting to them. I mention 'American men' because we have a HUGE following internationally, which is part and parcel of the preponderance of headscarves in so many of our videos. In many European countries (and elsewhere) women wearing expensive scarves on their heads are often aristocratic (or royal....right up to and including the Queen of England) so an attractive woman in a headscarf is very commonly a woman who is naturally 'superior' to the man. But honestly....who really knows. I truthfully don't think there are any more men today that want to be Dominated by a gorgeous woman than there ever was, but the Internet has perhaps liberated them. After all, although Betty Page was tied up plenty during the heyday of Irving Klaw there was still TONS of photos around with her playing the Dominant and they were extremely popular. And although she might have been Domming women in the photos I can assure you that many men painted themselves into those images. Another observation I've made is that LOTS of men identify themselves on Fetlife as a 'Switch' but about 90% of those have a photo of them tied up as their avatar. Although anecdotal, it makes me think that men have a difficult time admitting that they want a woman to Dominate them but that is absolutely their primary tendency. For those of you who aren't friends of mine on Fetlife you can find me here. Take a look for yourself and see what I mean: So yes...while I can certainly conjure my Dominant side (which I truly DO have) and Peter absolutely will play the submissive role (which might actually play fantastically onscreen since my victims are almost always having things happening to them against their will) it definitely isn't our natural demeanors. And on a practical note, Peter writes, directs and produces ALL of our stuff and it's frankly a real production pain in the ass to have a gigantic ballgag in his mouth when we could all use his advice about something. I'm not much of a director and hate when I'm Dominant because I have so much to remember then. And finally....yes. LOTS of the guys who have us produce custom FemDom themed videos for them probably do want me to be the one Dominating them. In fact, we have had people for years wanting to appear in the videos as themselves, without the sexual contact that occurs between Peter and myself. So that pretty much tells the story....and we're even open to that at the correct price. Thanks for the thoughtful questions John and feel free to follow up. And everyone else please feel free to join in. Cheers! Caroline |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 12:00:34 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Caroline Branson: So FemDom is much more popular on your site than your female submissive films? Interesting. Maybe I've been wrong all this time about what audiences really like to see. I'm constantly bitching about the tide being turned in mainstream films where the victimization of women used to be common, or at least a lot more common than it is now. But here's one example I've mentioned before. The sausage-fest Hostel was a huge hit, grossing $47 million. The sequel, featuring 3 attractive young women as victims, made only $17 million, barely a third of the original. Figure that out. I can understand that many men have an inner desire to be dominated. Maybe horror films like Hostel and others as well as the proliferation of the Internet have made it okay for this fantasy to be released from the closet, so to speak. Plus as a society, we've become more open and accepting than we used to be. Homosexuality isn't the social taboo that it was before. We have a black President. Sexual harassment in the workplace, which used to be shrugged off as typical male behavior, is losing those same guys their jobs now. Women are thought of as more or less our equals now, and films and TV shows that show them treated badly are no longer socially acceptable. Or if they do show women abused, the men who did those things to them will end up getting the same treatment or often worse. It's just a different time now. In a way, a site like ours that celebrates the fantasy subjugation of women is sort of a throwback to the ideas of what life used to be. When men were men and they weren't ashamed of it. Nowadays, that sort of thinking can get you in trouble. Maybe that's why males as victims are so in vogue now. Guys are allowing themselves to be punished for suppressing their natural male desires because society has evolved and says it's wrong. Hey, you think we'll get more hits if we change the name of the site? We won't even have to change the name 'GIMP', just one word. How does this sound? Bring Out The GIMP (GUYS In Merciless Peril). |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 01:48:00 PM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Thanks for the input Ralphus...but I don't know if this whole situation is actually as obvious as it might appear. You mention homosexuality not being as big a stigma as it once was, but I also think that men being more open to being Dominated is also less stigmatizing. So I don't think that more men are 'flipping' into that position (no pun intended....really) but are more open to being open to it. But understand one thing...perhaps FemDom is actually more 'popular' (and we might be the exception also since we're among the only sites featuring the woman binding, gagging and actually raping the man) but there is still a massive audience for men who will NEVER enjoy that scene. This is the reason we will always offer both. So it isn't that one is better or preferable but are simply different tastes. And someday I'll share how much the gay bondage community affected our productions too. They were SOOOO much ahead of the straight community with regard to producing kinky stuff. Cheers! Caroline |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 03:31:06 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Caroline Branson: You know, now that I think back over the last several decades, I can recall a LOT of instances where the gay (especially male) lifestyle was reflected in TV or movies with a BDSM edge. I always thought it was an attempt to demonize homosexuality by conflating two socially unacceptable behaviors into a communist/satanic conspiracy to corrupt the morals of Good Christian A-MURcans. I also completely overlooked the international aspect of scarves in bondage situations, which is both fascinating and revelatory. It is amazing the things I learn on this forum. * * * * * Ralphus: No, I do not think GUYS in Merciless Peril will work. Maybe start up a 'sister' forum site called Sausages in Merciless Peril (SIMP), or Wankers in Merciless Peril (WIMP). Then I can not go there. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 04:37:13 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Ralphus wrote: In a way, a site like ours that celebrates the fantasy subjugation of women is sort of a throwback to the ideas of what life used to be. When men were men and they weren't ashamed of it. Nowadays, that sort of thinking can get you in trouble. Maybe that's why males as victims are so in vogue now. Guys are allowing themselves to be punished for suppressing their natural male desires because society has evolved and says it's wrong. Perhaps, but I doubt it. Different things work for different folks. Some people like to see a man torturing a woman, others like it the other way around. Some people are into scat and golden showers. Some folks are straight, others gay. I can't explain the differences, but something tells me it has nothing to do with changes in the balance of power between the sexes. I can't imagine what is going on in the world that would suddenly make someone want to be shat upon -- certainly, there's nothing happening on our planet that has had that effect on me. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 06:34:01 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Caroline Branson: I appreciate the interesting information and insights you have brought to this forum in recent weeks, no more or less than the pics of your work. They certainly have all been very different from what were accustomed to seeing, and always interesting and well done. Not all of them ring my bell, but todays pic is my absolute favorite. Gorgeous. You wrote: I truthfully don't think there are any more men today that want to be Dominated by a gorgeous woman than there ever was, but the Internet has perhaps liberated them. On this site we have often gotten into discussions about the role of the internet in conveying the kind of material we like. Ironically, it seems like folks in the industry who often post here feel an increasing difficulty staying in business (and out of jail) because of the stigma associated with their products and the hard line taken by credit card companies, to name just a few. Im wondering if you have experienced that same kind of ...well, lets call it your domain. ------- Ralphus wrote: In a way, a site like ours that celebrates the fantasy subjugation of women is sort of a throwback to the ideas of what life used to be. Well, I would agree in this respect: it is certainly a throwback to what fantasies of the past used to be. Look at the stuff on the site that Covers does, or those mens magazines of past decades, with their Nazi- and jungle-themed atrocities, images from which have often graced this very forum. At the same time, if you take a close look at some of those Norman Saunders covers, you can spot a few...dare I say it...FemDom scenarios! My, my. But Im betting that in those fantasy stories, the guy always manages to free himself and turn the tables on the wicked babes. |
Friday, July 2nd 2010 - 09:00:12 PM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Wow....seems this whole topic of FemDom has opened several cans of worms. Ralphus: 'Guys in Merciless Peril'. Hmmmm. Will I owe you a royalty if I were to create a Female Domination site with that name? It was quite creative indeed...and precisely the sort of catchy title that men with that disposition would love to be considered for. John Galt: As much as you were dripping in sarcasm, you'd be very surprised that 'Wimps in Merciless Peril' would also be a very appealing name too for men looking to be Dominated by women. 'Sissies in Merciless Peril' or SIMP wouldn't do too badly either, but I once again digress. The scarf attraction comes from a variety of different places beyond even the European aspect I described. Peter is a child of the 60's and remembers vividly the 'Happy Days' era when cute girls all wore scarves around their necks and when women were required to cover their heads in church (he's Catholic) and he used to sit there in church having dirty thoughts of what he was wanting to do those sexy women wearing silk scarves on their head. He isn't completely clear on when the scarf/bondage connection came together though, but it did, and the rest is history. To expand on the influence of the gay community, when Peter and I first started this over 11 years ago, it was primarily to satisfy HIS desires for porn that he never seemed to be able to find, which is bondage and sex combined. I've previously written here that we had heard there was some sort of 'law' that prohibited it, but we could never find such a law. When we'd ask people in the 'business' we were told that there was worry that the woman wasn't actually 'consenting' and there was concern that someone might be just filming actual rapes. Oddly, when we looked at some of the gay bondage content that was out there, it was obvious that gay men had been tying each other up and fucking the tied up guy for years. Perhaps to your suggestion about 'morals', we figured that video of a man raping a woman would be something that would offend anyone and everyone and perhaps no one could care less if some gay men were raping each other. But who knows. We just started doing our own 'thing' and have been doing it ever since. A Canadian: Not much to say to you except that I completely agree with you. Who knows why people like whatever it is they like. Peter has wondered about this himself for years. Why would the sight of a woman with a piece of silk tied around her neck immediately make him start thinking about fucking her? Or binding and gagging her and THEN fucking her? But that's what he likes and he's stopped worrying about why. In short...I don't think male tastes with regard to their respective kinks have changed a lick in decades. But forums like this one have made it easier to find other people that share it and realize they are not alone and perhaps not as 'weird' as they thought. YikYakker: Well thank you for the compliments on the photos, and I have already sent more to Ralphus for inclusion at some later date. And new ones are being taken all the time. I think there would be tons of photos I could share here that you guys would love, but they aren't associated with any videos. With regard to staying in business...well, that becomes an increasingly difficult thing to do with the advent of so many people ripping off content via the internet. But this problem affects everyone from Hollywood, the music industry and of course adult producers. Although it affects me personally, it is still interesting to consider where this all goes at the end of the day. Clearly it costs money to produce 'Avatar', a new Bruce Springsteen album and one of my videos. But if it gets to the point where no one is willing to pay for such things, then will the things continue to be produced?? It's a true chicken-and-egg situation that is probably going play out in our lifetimes. I worry it's going to result in a lot shittier content across all genres....take the current state of Hollywood movies (lots of shitty ones) as testament to that fact. Whatever the case, there will be plenty of roadkill on this information super-highway. Peter and I will hang in there as long as it makes economic sense. He'd rather keep all our content for his own use anyway. With regard to your comments toward Ralphus...I will totally agree that there is a certain little part in many men (whether they want to admit it or not) about wanting to be secretly Dominated by women. Maybe even you John Galt!! We just shot the most amazing concept for a custom video, and it was amazing for the women that were employed to shoot it. Besides myself, we had Kendra James (a true bondage superstar if there is one today) and Mia McKinley (a Playboy model who is even better looking in person than in photos) who capture Peter to get information out of him and then he turns the tables and sells the three of us into white slavery. But how many men can look at this photo and not want to be the meat in this gorgeous woman sandwich at least a little? It is pretty fucking hot if I must say so myself. I mean....come on!!! How smoking hot can three ladies be?? So that's my rant of the day. I hope all of the American GIMP'ers have a great holiday weekend and I'll check in soon to see what sorts of new trouble I've created. Thank you to everyone who has participated. Cheers! Caroline Branson |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 08:59:56 AM
Name: | Dan Hawke |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hi All Okay, a bit of shameless promotion here. I have just added six new video titles for sale on Bound and Delivered, linked above. These titles feature such popular models as Darling, Seven, Sasha Monet, Alisha Angel and even previously unreleased material with Tyler Scot! Please consider checking out these titles as I, like most producers, could really use your support. Okay shameless plug over with! I want to wish a belated welcome to some newer faces on the GIMP board like Jane von Detlefson, Caroline Branson and even Steve Power, who I never formally welcomed. I have become a bit of a lurker recently, but I still tend to read the board from time to time to see what's up with you all. The last time I really felt I had something to contribute was when all were discussing Jason Whitman (aka John Blakemore). I don't do polls and am generally busy, so I apologize for my frequent absences. Right after I post this I am probably gonna do some GIMP reading as I realize it has been a while since I got caught up with y'all. BTW, Ralphus, thanx for putting the GIMP archives back up. I wonder if anyone else ever revisits the past? ~Dan Hawke |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 11:55:56 AM
Name: | Badger |
Thought I would throw in my two cents on the discussion of Women Dominating Men. I rarely search out FemDom flicks. I can't say exactly what it is that can turn me on with FemDom but, in the words of former Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart: 'I know it when I see it'. In 'The Rookie', sexy Sonja Braga mounts a bound-to-the-chair Clint Eastwood -- much to his dismay and then not-dismay -- and made moves that made ME move. In the very entertaining 'Dance With the Devil', Rozie Perez becomes the First Time for a bound and kidnapped teen as Javier Bardem works over the teen's date in the next room. These are among the more titillating scenes I have seen in the Mainstream. And look who's on top. |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 02:40:16 PM
Name: | darklord |
E-mail address: | |
Blindfolds yay. Having your helplessly bound beauty hear you as you nosily prepare some foul punishment would make her wonder what you're going to her and that will make her more scared. |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 04:09:16 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
A Canadian: A belated thanks and reaction to your posting of the Katy Perry video. Ive heard a lot about this gal but had never seen her perform until now. It certainly was...fruit-flavored. But it brings up a valid point: Whoever is deemed worthy of wearing the sacred and traditional Wonder Woman costume must look and feel comfortable in it. Katy Perry certainly meets that qualification. ------- Caroline Branson wrote: I think there would be tons of photos I could share here that you guys would love, but they aren't associated with any videos. Please dont let that deter you, we often post salacious pictures that arent associated with any videos, as long as they are in keeping with the theme of the site. ------- Caroline also wrote: ...we figured that video of a man raping a woman would be something that would offend anyone and everyone and perhaps no one could care less if some gay men were raping each other. But who knows. We just started doing our own 'thing' and have been doing it ever since. That gets to the crux of my previous question, which I probably did not state clearly: Is there more of a stigma assigned to the male domination productions beloved by GIMPers than is attached to gay bondage or femdom bondage? Are we GIMPers dinosaurs who are slowly being driven (or harassed) into extinction, or is there still a viable market for our tastes compared to these other forms of violence? Id like to hear from more of the producers on this subject. ------- And while Im in a snit, Id like to pose this question: Does anything that is found appalling in GIMP fantasies compare with the real-life tragedy of female celebrity self-mutilation? If there is a constituency out there that is railing out against this kind of thing Id like to get behind them. OK, rants over. Back to our regularly scheduled programming. |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 06:02:06 PM
Name: | Scot |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Talking of femdom, I came across this female-on-male whipping video on Looks like one of Ed Lee's productions. I'm generally not what you'd call a masochist, but I wouldn't mind being whipped by that topless chick. Flogging that poor dude must be hot, sweaty work! |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 09:57:31 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Tying up guys: Okay, it's been an interesting discussion, but when we start getting to the point where we're linking pictures and video clips of tied-up men, that's enough. All joking aside, the name of this site is 'GIRLS in Merciless Peril' and that's how I like it. It's easy to lose focus but we need to get back on topic. That's a whole other fetish and it doesn't belong here. If you want to talk about that stuff, take it to FetLife or someplace that allows it. Let's try to remember why we're here, guys. ------------- Dan Hawke: What a pleasant surprise seeing you back here. Six new video titles? Looks like a lot of stuff that was shot back in the early 2000s but if it's been unreleased all this time, it's new to us. Looks like some classic performers, too. And I noticed you've got some of your more recent movies on sale for less than 20 bucks featuring a couple of my favorite performers, Liz Tyler and Beth St. Clair. I may have to do some updating to my Hawke collection. And even better, I don't see a single movie on your site that features any guys in bondage. That's sort of refreshing. BTW, we've always had the Guestbook Archives available on the site, but for the first time, we have our own search engine where it's now a lot easier to find what you're looking for. And I'm like you, I like to go back and read the past postings myself. It's our history and I've always felt it needed to be preserved for future generations of pervs and sick fucks. |
Saturday, July 3rd 2010 - 11:54:45 PM
Name: | Iago |
Wow, busy week... Ralphus, regarding the name changes...don't make me come over there. Just step away from that editor. Regarding Wonder Woman...Where to start? I liked Lynda Carter in the role. She was gorgeous and sexy, had a strong character, but still spent a lot of her time, drugged, gassed, or bound. Yum. For a modern Wonder Woman I would suggest keeping the sex appeal and the duality of being strong yet subdued. It's nice when the strong ones struggle, and besides, we are doomed to know she'll come out on top in the end. So far as who I think would be a good wonder Woman? about Salma Hayek? She's a knockout, has that olive skin that could be Hispanic or long-lost Greek. She also has curves that don't stop and a good voice for the role. She's also pretty fierce when the role calls for it. Please, not some skinny, pouty piece of pop fluff in an unsexy costume. Steve sent me the videos I ordered from Powershotz in very short order. I haven't had a chance to watch them (things are busy here in Iagoland right now) but look forward to it. I'm unable to comment on the films, but have nothing but great things to say about his service and communication. John Galt: Thanks for all your reccomendations. I appreciate it. Folks like you help keep this site cranking. Caroline, you make some interesting observations. Peter doesn't sound too far off from my own experience, though he sounds a bit older than me. In the 80's and 90's you really couldn't find movies that combined sex and B&D. Rick Masters was really the only one making a go at it with his movies (simulated sex, but his talent is such that he did it well enough for me to suspend disbelief). Now these days I can find some of these combined movies, and I enjoy it. On the subject of femdom, I'm fine with femdom, so long as they are dominating other fems. Males tied up and dominated really doesn't do anything for me--never has. My natural fetish leans less towards obviously consensual play, though. I like the evil scientist running amok, or the kidnapper breaking the will of his sexy victim, or the sci-fi or supernatural capture and subjugation angles better. I won't say I don't like men in these movies...I like seeing a forced blowjob or sex as much as the next person, I expect. I've just never personally gotten anything from males being dominated. I have seen a few of them--they show up in occasional scenes in movies I buy for other scenes--but I generally end up skipping those scenes. Just not MY scene. It would be too bad if the empowered woman trend went so far as to freeze guys like me out soon. Regarding female empowerment: There is a very strong women's advocacy group out there in Hollywood, not unlike the Gay and Lesbian Coalition. Anyone that makes a movie that causes women to appear weak or controlled is very likely to get hit with pickets, fines and a hard rating from the MPAA. Same with movies that treat gays or lesbians poorly, as evidenced by all the heat Gibson took over Braveheart, or the fact that Kevin Smith's movies keep getting 'R' ratings due to his 'gay' cracks. It's politics, but it's smart politics. These groups are shaping public opinion through strong input into what that public gets to see. It's creepy to me to see them successfully doing it, though. Kinda eats away at the whole 'free will' thing, when they control what you see from the time you're old enough to watch a Saturday-morning cartoon. Peace, Iago |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 12:01:40 AM
Name: | Iago |
A few other random notes.... Caroline posted a pic that included Kendra James. I'm an occasional subscriber to Jim Weather's excellent Bondage Cafe site, and can tell you Kendra delivers. Very photogenic, the camera loves her and she does a good job of expressing just what you want to see in a bondage scene. She can look positively demonic (the kind that makes you want to just wallow in the mud) when she wants to. Jim Weathers reminds me of something Caroline mentioned, about how hard it is getting to make a buck when people are ripping you off on the internet. It sounds like Jim's had similar issues. I also recall Rick Masters took a couple years off of filming new material in an effort to chase down his most egregious pirates about a decade ago. It sounds like a tough box to get out you raise your prices to compensate for lost sales, or would that just chase even more people into the arms of the pirates? I wish I had a soluton to that one. It hurts the people who make the films we want to see, and means there are fewer quality films of the type we want to see. Peace, Iago |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 12:13:40 AM
Name: | TARL |
Homepage URL: | |
morning friends, thanks that some of you will look in my little moviegroup. pls attention: in last days i must (sry) deletad some interesting users, can´t let in my group. Why? NO AGE in here yahooprofile. :o( and it´s so easy: pls edit first the age in profile, than is it no problem to come in my group. All user with age in profile are welcome. thx for your understanding and greets TARL |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 03:12:43 AM
Name: | DHT |
Check out this link, guys. I just found it. It looks like it's pretty good, has anyone here seen it? |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 05:01:34 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun (1977) In Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun Jess Franco lavishly presents a very gripping tale of the physical, sexual and emotional torture visited upon Maria (cherubic Susan Hemingway), a young girl living during the Inquisition era. One day, the evil Father Vicente spies 15-year-old Maria and her boyfriend engaging in a playful (but not R-rated) romp in the woods. He accompanies Maria to her home and persuades her impoverished single mom that the only way to save Marias soul from the clutches of the devil is to enroll her as a novice in a distant (and expensive) abbey where he can personally attend to her spiritual well-being. When Maria arrives at the convent, the abbess (head nun) insists on being addressed as eminent priestess, which is Marias first clue that somethings not right. Maria is told to lift up her dress, in front of the priest and the other nuns, and present her womanhood so the abbess can manually verify whether shes truly a virgin. (She is.) The abbess tells Maria that only a regimen of pain can expunge the devil from inside her, so she applies loops of thorny branches around her top and bottom lady parts, and presses them until they draw blood. Maria gets to wear these continuously (under her clothes) for a few days and nights. Where are the fashion police when you need them? It emerges that the convent is really a haven for a cult of Satan-worshippers, and we see the abbess strip down a bit and sprawl on the bed for a bizarre ritual. Her attendants place a bowlful of some concoction between her legs, which they claim is made from a babys heart but could just as well be hot mango chutney or Tabasco sauce. What happens next gives a whole new meaning to the term hot smoking pussy. (If you look closely at the pic, you can see a wisp of vapor rising above her nether region.) The abbess starts moaning and screaming and writhing around while her attendants lick her like a lollipop. Then she gets a visit from Old Nick himself...or so we presume, because all we see is a pair of bloody hands with hairy knuckles giving the abbess tits and torso a workout. Meanwhile, Maria experiences bad dreams (or are they visions?) about women being tortured in a dungeon. One gets gets her hands chopped off by what looks like a giant paper cutter, while another is induced into a splitting headache. In the morning, Maria does a bit of kvetching to the abbess, who feels Maria needs an attitude adjustment. Tonight you will walk on a bed of nails! Unfortunately, we dont get to see that; all we see is Maria limping around a bit the next day. Feeling desperate, Maria tries to get a letter to her mom, but its intercepted. So they put her in an isolation box looks like a wooden confessional box with carved wooden bars. Later, the priest pays Maria a visit and lets her out of the box...but only so he can pull her robe down and force her to give him a blowjob (not explicitly shown). Eventually, we find out why the abbess was so concerned about Marias virginity. Seems the Horned One wants some fresh untasted meat, so the abbey residents stage a big sacrificial shindig with Maria as the reluctant guest of honor. Shes brought in and made to get down on all fours on top of an altar, her head propped up against the abbess shoulders. Satan (or an evil-looking human wearing a really bad devil costume) makes an appearance, slides back Marias robe from her rear end, grabs her butt with his hairy hands and pounds her from behind. That touches off a session of mass-participation breast-baring and screwing. Next morning, Maria wakes up in her box and the abbess tells her it was all a bad dream. Maria doesn't buy it. At the first opportunity, she goes over the wall, only to end up back in the clutches of the priest and priestess. This time theyre really pissed off, so they have her chained to an X-frame. Before the punishment starts, the abbess and Maria have an up-close and personal encounter. Maria suddenly spits in the nuns face, and the abbess just as swiftly reacts by slapping Maria. Its all so abrupt and unexpected that it nearly knocked me out of my chair. Really cool. But the nun says, Bring out the implements of torture! and one of the attendants produces some really expensive-looking tongs, which she uses on Marias breast. Susan Hemingway displays some truly fine screaming here. The unholy couple decide that Maria is more trouble than shes worth so shes carted off for a date with the Grand Inquisitor. Under interrogation Maria confesses to consorting with the devil, but also rats out the priest and the abbess as Satan-worshippers. The Deadly Duo decide that their best shot at saving themselves from an investigation is to persuade Maria to retract her statement. So here we are in the dungeon, where were treated to eye candy like this and this, until we finally arrive upon Maria herself, completely naked on the torture rack. Shes stretched out nice and tight on a pretty authentic-looking device, but shes stubborn. So the abbess grabs a torch and jabs Maria with it, finally breaking the girl down and getting her to sign a paper saying she made the whole thing up. This scene is my favorite: dungeon, rack, full-nudity, torches...its all good. At this point in the film, Franco has about 10 minutes left to resolve the burning question: will the saga end in Marias fiery death? Movie plusses: Interesting story, good production values, nice performances by all. Susan Hemingway is terrific as the beleaguered but defiant Maria. She ably carries the load in this movie, and also gives dacryphiles plenty to like in scenes like this and this and this one. The two villains are perfect IMO. They insidiously use the girl for their own ends and think nothing about the abuse they are dishing out, except when they are enjoying it immensely. And it wouldnt be a Franco movie without a lot of gratuitous nudity and girl-girl action thrown in. Movie minuses: It would have been nice, although probably distracting to the story, to see more prolonged torture scenes involving actresses other than Susan Hemingway. The ending is rushed, as if Franco found himself running out of time and money (again). I found the fake blood distracting; it looked like a very thick oil-based paint that they could have used in lesser quantities. And I wouldve preferred seeing the movie in its original language with subtitles, although the dubbing is mostly well-done. Still, compared with other Franco films Ive seen, this one is the best, from a production and story-telling perspective. As a movie that explores the cruelty, corruption and hypocrisy of persons in authority, it merits an A. GIMP-wise, its not as substantive as some other Franco classics, but the X-frame and rack scenes earn it a B. This is highly recommended for those who like their GIMPage wrapped inside a well-told, character-driven story. The film comes in a number of different versions, some edited. This review is based on the DVD issued by VIP Entertainment, which is considered to be the most faithful to the original VHS. It's currently available, at great expense, from Amazon. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 08:10:50 AM
Name: | John Galt |
YikYakker: Thanks for the great review of Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. It is a testament to the number of great vidcaps this movie contained that, of the images I chose when I was going through to do a review, you and I selected only a couple of images in common. Fortunately, by including links instead of in-line images, you were able to show more, and they were all good. I only managed six. The sit-up moment for me in the movie, though, was the blink-and-you-miss-it facial. I'm not sure how Franco got away with that one. Since Ralphus' Pics of the Day generally highlight GIMP scenes, I suspect he won't include the facial, so here it is: Honestly, I would have given the movie an A grade based on the attractiveness and youthful appearance of Susan Hemingway and the overall abuse she suffered throughout the flick, even though it could have been more explicit. The sacrificial rape scene was tres weak, but the rack scene was magnifique. The copious gratuitous nudity didn't hurt, either. Great review! Worth waiting for. Love the Daily Pics, Ralphus. * * * * * DHT: Have you done business with CyberAge Password? While Blue Serie looks intriguing, the overall feel I get from the site and links is untrustworthiness and suspicion. Plus, it didn't help that one of the included sites I clicked on took me to a dead link. That makes me wonder if the products are authorized items or pirated. But it could just be that they lack any sort of web design talent. * * * * * Iago: I will be interested to hear what you think of the Powershotz movies when you get a chance to watch them. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 11:31:54 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
YikYakker: Thanks for the excellent and detailed review of Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. I am certainly interested in seeing this movie. But am I prepared to pay more than $100 (Cdn) for the opportunity to see it?: No, I'm not. Hopefully, I come across a used version somewhere. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 11:49:44 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
John Galt: Thanks for the comments about the review and the movie. Your posting of that splurge shot confirms something I suspected: the VIP Entertainment version of the movie, faithful though it may be to the original, is still edited somewhat. If that pic comes from the fellatio scene, it has been expunged. Your larger point about the ongoing psychological torment that Hemingway's character is subjected to is well-taken. It's hard to explain (or show) in a review, but from beginning to end people were really messing with this girl's mind. Her struggle to keep her sanity requires as much effort as struggling against physical bonds. If I had given the movie a better grade, that would have implied that I consider it equal or superior to Women in Cell Block 9. As a movie movie, I think it is superior. But I favor the GIMP scenes in WCB9. Perhaps the LLPN GIMP scenes on my DVD have also been edited. In fact, I'm betting that you and Ralphus have images that I have not seen. In that case, I think we would all benefit from a commentary based on your perspective, if you can fit it into your review machine schedule. Hey, a movie like this deserves as many different points of view as we can muster. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 12:18:47 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
YikYakker: Congratulations buddy, excellent review of Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. I know it's not a movie that a lot of people have seen, but IMO it's Jess Franco's best, and you did him proud with your description here. Again, though, I'll question your grade, although it's a minor quibble. The movie gets an A, but the GIMP scenes only merit a B? Like John, I would give it them an A. You have 3 scenes in there that rang my bell big time. The first is the torture scene while she's tied to the X-frame, then you have her stretched on the rack, and finally the burning at the stake scene at the end. True, that last scene was only a tease and didn't go all the way to its completion, but the suspense was great and you couldn't ask for a cuter victim. She gave a damn good performance, too. The girl could act. And she got fully naked and tied up while she was acting, which is always appreciated. This is one of the few Franco films that is actually critically acclaimed, which is odd since critics almost always savage his work. It's only been in the past few years that Franco is finally starting to get his just due for his body of work. Yeah, he made some stinkers, too, but this is one of his best films, not only on a movie level but as erotic entertainment too. As for the facial shot that John posted, that was new to me, too. I'm assuming I have the same DVD that YikYakker bought, and it's not on my copy. It might have been on the bootleg VHS that I saw years ago, but I don't remember it. John, where did you get your version? BTW, just as a lark last night, I took a look at the X-frame scene on my censored British DVD to see how they compare. The scene is almost gone! Since she was naked while tied to the X-frame and tortured, there were very few shots that even remained once the censors had butchered that movie. If anyone seeks out this movie on DVD, be careful you don't buy a copy with the number '18' in the corner. That's the edited version and it's practically worthless. The direct link to your review is in my Homepage URL above. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 07:01:15 PM
Name: | John Galt |
YikYakker and Ralphus: The version of Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun I watched, I borrowed from a friend who has several Franco flicks I had never seen. It was a VHStape that started with what looks like German titles, although it was dubbed in English. No box but it did have a label that looked official, although I don't recall the details. I digitized it to make vidcaps and timing easier. If you think you might have an edited version, here are the specific Susan Hemingway scenes that were key. The scene from the moment her skirt goes down, followed by the removal of her other clothes and the attaching of the loops of thorny branches to the moment when the blood rolls down her naked thigh with her pubic bush in the background lasts 2 minutes and 15 seconds in my version. The facial occurs during her dream about giving her cousin a blowjob on the stairs, which is immediately after the 'eminent priestess' has her bedroom scene with the two licking nuns and the hairy knuckled Satan. It lasts maybe two or three frames, and was not easy to catch for a vidcap. But I was motivated. That dream sequence also included a scene with the hairy knuckled hand grabbing her pubic thatch, by the way. The scene where she is naked and chained to the X-frame, taunted by the 'eminent priestess,' the spitting-and-slapping bit, and her tongs torture with full frontal nudity lasts almost three and a half minutes from start to finish. The rack scene, which begins with a quick tour of two other naked, bound and tortured female victims before revealing our heroine chained down spread-eagled on the rack, through her stretching and burning torture and ending with her signing her forced 'confession,' lasts just over three minutes. I had a review written about a month ago, but I wanted to wait for YikYakker's review, the more copious links to larger images he was sure to include, and the set of Daily Pics that were to accompany the YikYakker Review, so I held off. I'll re-read my review and see if I added anything substantial that was not in YikYakker's review, but I suspect I just had more snarky comments. I did rate it an A, though. |
Sunday, July 4th 2010 - 10:36:50 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Caroline Branson wrote: With regard to staying in business...well, that becomes an increasingly difficult thing to do with the advent of so many people ripping off content via the internet. But this problem affects everyone from Hollywood, the music industry and of course adult producers. Although it affects me personally, it is still interesting to consider where this all goes at the end of the day. Clearly it costs money to produce 'Avatar', a new Bruce Springsteen album and one of my videos. But if it gets to the point where no one is willing to pay for such things, then will the things continue to be produced?? Without a doubt, there's a generational shift happening, and it doesn't favor producers. Whether we like it or not, young people today don't feel that taking free content off the Internet is stealing. Indeed, for a lot of things such as music and porn, it's considered uncool (or whatever the appropriate term is these days) to pay for this stuff. People who are with the times are supposed to know how to get it for free. I agree with Caroline that I'm not sure where things will end up, but I'm not necessarily optimistic. |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 12:29:50 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
RALPHUS' REVIEW: 'LA ORCA' Well, I got a chance to look at La Orca. This is the 1976 abduction-themed movie that our friend Tarl had posted the stills on his Yahoo group. First off, the movie is in German and since my copy had no subtitles, I had to just guess as to what was being said. Really, I was only watching to see the important stuff, that being what happened to the female victim. The rest of the movie was all fast-forward material, which is just as well since I don't understand German anyway. It starts off really well. Within the first few minutes, a pretty young blonde (played by Rena Niehaus) is snatched off the street by a couple of men and whisked away in a car in just a matter of seconds. They make it look so easy, it almost makes you want to try it yourself. They're all ready for her, too. One guy knocks her out with a blow to the face, then she's swiftly gagged, and they do that right, too. Everything they need is already neatly packaged in their well-equipped suitcase. First a wad of paper is stuffed into her mouth, then a pre-cut swatch of tape seals her mouth shut. Yep, these guys are good. They follow that up by pulling a wool face mask completely over her face. They give her an injection of some sorts, obviously designed to keep her unconscious. At this point, they go to a remote location where they leave the car they were driving and quickly make the switch to...what else?...a windowless van. All kidnappers must drive a windowless van; it's required by law. You're not even allowed to get your kidnapper's license unless you own one. They load up their female cargo and off they go to their secret lair. Once they get inside, they carry their still-unconscious victim to her new home, a dank room with a single bed inside. They chain her ankle to the bed and handcuff her wrists behind her. The wool cap is taken off her head and the tape is pulled off. This causes her to wake up and start gagging as the mouth packing is removed. And what a pleasure it was seeing again that they had stuffed her mouth before gagging her. Like I say, these guys are really good. Another scene I liked is when their victim has to go the bathroom. Hey, budding kidnappers, it's going to happen. You kidnap a girl, eventually you're gonna have to take her to the bathroom. You might as well deal with it. And this is how you do it. She is led, with hands still bound behind her (YES!) to the bathroom. They guy pulls down her pants, then her panties (we get to see a flash of pussy) and sits her down on the toilet. That's all the assistance you get; you don't need your hands to pee, honey. When she's done, he wipes her off, pulls up her pants and marches the sobbing girl back to her solitude. I really liked how the pretty prisoner is denied even this most private of moments. When we see her next, the kidnappers do remove her handcuffs, but only to force her to write a ransom note to her parents. It's worth noting the attention to detail, as you can clearly see the handcuff marks on her wrists as she's forced to write. The cuffs are then roughly snapped behind her back again and she is left chained to the bed once more. But then the movie, which up to this point had been a clinical textbook on how to abduct and treat a hostage, starts going soft. It begins when she pleads to one of the kidnappers that it hurts having her hands behind her, so he takes pity on her and cuffs them in front. Bad move. Since when does her comfort matter? By the one-hour mark of the movie, she's not wearing any handcuffs at all. So sad. There's another wrong direction the movie takes before this happens. The kidnapper, who's grown attracted to his pretty captive, comes into her room one night while she's sleeping. He decides to peel back her clothes to take a look at her body. Amazingly, she doesn't wake up, but he chickens out and puts her clothes back on. The next night, though, he goes back and tries it again. Okay, round 2, you're gonna rape her this time, right? Well, no, not technically. He undoes her clothing, starts feeling up her tits and then licks her pussy. Come on, nobody is gonna sleep through that! Actually, she pretends to be asleep, but she's really enjoying having all these sexual things done to her. So even though this movie is listed as having a rape scene, it's totally consensual. How much nicer would it have been if she had been forced? Oh, I would say a WHOLE LOT better. That's pretty much all the GIMP activity, since the tone eventually shifts from a mean kidnapper/scared captive relationship to 2 young lovers who can't get enough of each other. For the rest of the film, there is copious female nudity (Rena Niehaus had posed for Playboy 2 years earlier, so obviously she's a hottie). Unfortunately, though, it's all consensual, which definitely takes away its impact. Overall, a mixed bag. On a GIMP-level, the first half hour is outstanding. But as the story moved along, the tone changed, and with it went the rest of the edge that it began with. Still, if you can find this rare film somewhere, it's worth seeking out. According to the net, it is finally due to be released on DVD soon (see my Homepage URL). My grade: B- |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 02:43:43 AM
Name: | DHT |
Internet: Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I don't like to have stuff on my computer that I didn't pay for. So many people I know if I recommend them a movie, they will go home and download it as a bit-torrent from some share site. I just don't want to do that. I don't think you get the best quality stuff that way, and that you put your computer at risk. Also, if people like someone's work, but they obtain it without paying for it, how do they expect that artist to continue producing their work? |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 10:37:26 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
DHT wrote: Also, if people like someone's work, but they obtain it without paying for it, how do they expect that artist to continue producing their work? Finally the voice of reason! How simple is that? If you don't pay for it, the artist isn't getting paid, therefore, he can't afford to make more. I have sympathy for anyone that invests their time and money in this age of the Internet to produce fetish material for others, only to have it given away for free by thieves who think they're some hot shot by offering up someone else's copyrighted work and taking credit for it. I believe most people are honest, but if all this free material is out there ready for taking, who wouldn't be tempted to help themselves? It's not the people that download it that are the problem, it's the people who upload it to the Internet in the first place. That's why we don't allow Rapidshare links here and try to respect the producers livelihoods. We're probably one of the only places that does, though. Stolen material is everywhere, and it hurts fetish producers the most because their market is so small to start with. If the people who upload this stuff had a conscience and actually gave a damn about the people who produced it, the problem wouldn't be so egregious. If everyone is getting stuff for free, trust me, someone is getting burned. I guess we don't care who it long as it's not us. |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 04:44:36 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Lots of folks weighing in on Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun ~ Ralphus wrote: is one of the few Franco films that is actually critically acclaimed. I can think of at least one reason why, and it is embodied in the top half of the excellent capture you posted yesterday. This is a pivotal moment in the film. Although the priest has done his share of evil works, the primary conflict that has been escalating up to this point is between the two women who now face each other. The abbess has been laying a load of guano on Maria, and the girl is sick of the bullshit. In the tete a tete between the two adversaries, Maria has a look of both fear and defiance in her eyes. She is physically restrained, but her mouth is still available as a weapon. So she spits in her enemys face. In that moment, Maria takes the abbess out of her game. Up until then, the bitch has exercised her power over Maria in a cold, calculating, controlled manner. Now she reacts with anger and emotion, loses her self-control and slaps Maria in the face. Im no drama expert, but I thought this was very effective. (I actually enjoyed that little prelude to the torture as much as the torture scene itself). But IMHO, every aspiring actor/director/screenwriter could learn a lot from that little slice of film. And the movie is full of similar tidbits that add up to a fine story. John Galt wrote: The facial occurs during her dream about giving her cousin a blowjob on the stairs, which is immediately after the 'eminent priestess' has her bedroom scene with the two licking nuns and the hairy knuckled Satan...That dream sequence also included a scene with the hairy knuckled hand grabbing her pubic thatch.... Yes, this is the DVD, and youre right, if you blink, you will miss it. I guess I was distracted because there is an immediate cut to scenes of women being tortured in a dungeon. So thanks for pointing that out. Truth is, neither the grabbing of the pubic thatch nor the facial turned me on in the slightest since they passed by so quickly my feeble brain probably just blanked them out. A Canadian: I prepared to pay more than $100 (Cdn) for the opportunity to see it?: No, I'm not. Hopefully, I come across a used version somewhere. Man, I hope you do too. I was fortunate to get a copy at a reasonable (although still above average) price. But now this movie is priced like a chain saw after a hurricane. I know, supply and demand, yadda yadda yadda. If I had a movie that I thought was good enough to sell for $100, Id be inclined to keep it. Of course, I dont know the economic circumstances of the persons selling it, so who am I to judge. Still, this movie should be more widely available; maybe others with used copies will come out of the woodwork and sell them. In fact, Id sell my copy but Im asking $500 dollars for it. (just kidding) ------- Ralphus: I appreciate your research on La Orca. It sounds like the kind of sleazy drive-in/grindhouse fare that I tend to gravitate toward, so Ill probably put it on my list. |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 05:26:01 PM
Name: | Brutus |
YikYakker (and John Galt): Thanks for all the information on Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. I have not seen this movie but am intrigued, especially from all the high-quality pictures that YikYakker provided. Hopefully I can find an uncut version of this movie that won't break the bank. ---------- Ralphus:La Orca is another film I have yet to see. Hell, I never even heard about it. It's a shame that it started off so promising, with a properly bound and gagged (and cute) victim only to spiral into lameness. Your fine review makes me want to seek out this movie, for the first half anyway. It's worth noting the attention to detail, as you can clearly see the handcuff marks on her wrists as she's forced to write. I absolutely love little details like that. For example, in Betrayed, which Sloth reviewed, Natasha Cole finally gets the ballgag removed from her mouth and you can see the marks on her cheeks from the leather straps. That was incredibly hot for me. ---------- Guys In Merciless Peril: I think this fetish has been around for as long as the desire to see women being bound and tortured. For the tendency in mainstream films to show men getting tortured instead if women, I think Iago nailed it. The whole political correctness movement has long been out of control, and it has affected our viewing pleasure. I think we should remember that for horror and torture-porn movies, the target audience isn't necessarily us, but the gore crowd who might not care who is being tortured as long as there's plenty of blood and guts. In that sense, I might not blame the producers for having more male victims to prevent the militant feminist groups from scaring off investors and performers. I obviously don't like it, but that's the world we live in these days. I think for a plethora of GIMP action in such movies, we may have to rely on low-budget productions. Unfortunately, the directors of these movies often don't seem to know how to tie up women properly. ---------- Caroline Branson wrote:I've also meant to offer to my new friends here on GIMP the opportunity to ask me any sorts of questions you might have wanted to ask an adult producer....and a female one at that. So please feel free to post any sorts of inquiries you might have and I'll take a swing at them. Since I enjoy reading your posts here, let me pose a few more questions: 1. I've seen women in management positions who are very capable yet feel they still have to prove themselves to their male counterparts. Is that the case in the bondage industry for female producers? Or is the bondage industry free of the 'old boys' network? 2. The bondage producers who post here are very cordial to each other, but I sometimes sense a bit of rivalry. How fierce is the competition in the industry? Or has the situation, degraded by political and religious interference, reached a point where producers feel, 'We're all in this together.' 3. As mentioned, so-called file-sharing is rampant on the Internet and is taking away tons of income from bondage producers. Other than honest people like the GIMPers here who prefer to buy the products, what can be done to stop this stealing? The music and movie industries have failed in this regard. Is there anything the smaller bondage world can do? 4. You mentioned that you used scarves early on to hide your identity. When you meet new people, what do you say you do for a living? Has anyone recognized you out in public? 5. We know what turns you on. But what turns you off? What do you refuse to do? 6. This is a more personal question, so feel free to ignore it. Before you met Peter, what was your dating scene like? How did you tell a boyfriend that you were into bondage? Gradually or straight out? 7. To be honest, before I started reading the words of bondage producers and others in the industry, I tended to believe the unfair stereotype that producers were sleazy, scummy, prone-to-violence types, like in the movie 8MM. I know better now, but are there segments in the industry where such unsavory characters exist? 8. What productions other than your own do you like? |
Monday, July 5th 2010 - 08:38:13 PM
Name: | Caroline Branson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Brutus wrote:Since I enjoy reading your posts here, let me pose a few more questions: 1. I've seen women in management positions who are very capable yet feel they still have to prove themselves to their male counterparts. Is that the case in the bondage industry for female producers? Or is the bondage industry free of the 'old boys' network? The bondage (and adult) industry is pretty much free of any sort of 'network' actually and I have never felt any need whatsoever to prove anything to anyone. Plus there has always been plenty of very high-profile women producers who predate me and actually go back to the VHS/magazine/peepshow era like Lorelei who runs Bedroom Bondage. So in short the answer is no. This is a pretty free, capitalistic, Darwinistic place where if you work hard and produce decent content, you'll be okay. 2. The bondage producers who post here are very cordial to each other, but I sometimes sense a bit of rivalry. How fierce is the competition in the industry? Or has the situation, degraded by political and religious interference, reached a point where producers feel, 'We're all in this together.' Although we haven't had contact with a million other producers, all the contact we've had with any of them has been wonderfully cordial and warm. The competition is the competition, but I've never gotten the sense that it was 'fierce'. And I'm not sure we feel that 'we're all in this together' but it's simply that we ARE a pretty small community and I think we just really enjoy it when we get to communicate with one of the few people on earth who actually understand what we go through every day. Also, every model we've ever worked with has pretty much had the same attitude...and we've worked with some of the biggest names in the industry and the most experienced models were the easiest and most fun to work with. 3. As mentioned, so-called file-sharing is rampant on the Internet and is taking away tons of income from bondage producers. Other than honest people like the GIMPers here who prefer to buy the products, what can be done to stop this stealing? The music and movie industries have failed in this regard. Is there anything the smaller bondage world can do? I have no idea what to do. When Sony Pictures and Disney can't figure it out I stop trying to figure it out myself. But it most definitely is going to result in less and lower quality content in the long run. 4. You mentioned that you used scarves early on to hide your identity. When you meet new people, what do you say you do for a living? Has anyone recognized you out in public? I tell the a semi-truth that I am a web designer, which indeed I am (I have designed and built all my own websites and a host of other ones for clients). But this has nothing to do with any shame on my part and is simply because I don't feel like explaining it to some dope on an airplane or elsewhere and dealing with a multitude of moronic questions. With all apologies to all my male GIMP friends here, but men are generally not a very smooth group when speaking to any woman, much less someone you perceive as a 'porn star'. So telling them I'm a computer geek usually shuts the conversation down. Plus I look completely the opposite of a porn star when walking around in every day life. Finally, no one has ever approached me on the street or anywhere, but I have endured plenty of odd stares in places all over the world, but who knows. 5. We know what turns you on. But what turns you off? What do you refuse to do? Wow. Kinda of a tough question, but when we've had to deal with professionally because of stuff people have asked us to do onscreen. Although we try hard to never be judgmental since everyone has their kink, we decide things one request at a time and here are things we've said 'no' to; No weird insertions. Peter will not wear any piece of woman's clothing ever. No bleeding. No needles. No electricity unless faked. No sex with anyone other Peter and me. On another note, things we've done/do that aren't really our thing at all but they don't bother us; Breath play and asphyxiation. Strap-on play in Peter's ass and mouth. Enacting killings on screen (I killed Peter 4 times in 3 days recently). Also..other producers think we're tremendously bold with the amount of stuff we shoot out in extremely public places. We have driven endless miles on public roads with someone bound and gagged in the back seat or trunk. Without making an extremely long list (which could easily be done) our favorite is a 'climax' scene with me tied to a bench on the balcony of the Beverly Hills Hotel overlooking the pool with 1000 watts of lighting blasting the scene. Peter was fucking me silly with me bound and gagged on the bench and our friend Kelly Lind filming everything and Peter even managed to get the money shot with all that going on. Another day in the life. 6. This is a more personal question, so feel free to ignore it. Before you met Peter, what was your dating scene like? How did you tell a boyfriend that you were into bondage? Gradually or straight out? I actually never knew I was 'into bondage' until Peter asked me if I would try it with him. That's when it sort of all came together that it was something I actually liked. Sorry I don't have a better story for you. I think in this day and age most women are more open to it than most people might think. 7. To be honest, before I started reading the words of bondage producers and others in the industry, I tended to believe the unfair stereotype that producers were sleazy, scummy, prone-to-violence types, like in the movie 8MM. I know better now, but are there segments in the industry where such unsavory characters exist? While I've heard stories of creepy guys who put themselves out as 'producers' to hook up with women they couldn't otherwise get within 100 miles of, I have never met or communicated with a single sleazy, scummy type. If there is an unsavory segment I don't know anything about it. 8. What productions other than your own do you like? Well I'm not exactly certain how this is going to come off sounding...but I've never watched a bondage or adult production other than our own in my life. And as I've stated in earlier posts, the only reason Peter started this with me was to make exactly the kind of content that he wanted to watch. He does, however, like the some of content produced by (Sex and Submission and Public Disgrace) but he doesn't like the lack of any storylines and that it can get a little repetitive. But maybe other people say that about our stuff too, who knows. So how'd I do on my exam Brutus?? A+??? Cheers All! Caroline |
Tuesday, July 6th 2010 - 08:37:35 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Ralphus: Thanks for the official Ralphus Review of the disappointing La Orca. I accept your point about the first 30 minutes of the film but I'm afraid I'm still going to have to say Nein to this one. ----- Caroline Branson: Thank you for taking the time to answer those questions. It is interesting that the fraternity of bondage producers gets along so well, even if such brotherhood among competitors does seem sorta un-American. ----- DHT wrote: If people like someone's work, but they obtain it without paying for it, how do they expect that artist to continue producing their work? I hear you, but I don't belong to the generation that's the problem. Another complicating factor -- we live in the age of globalization, and much of the GIMP material we love is sometimes only available in jurisdictions outside the U.S. -- and sometimes even within in the U.S. -- in pirated versions. I'm including pirated DVDs of Japanese porn in this assessment. If you've ever seen a Japanese bondage movie that wasn't bought directly from a legitimate Japanese distributor, your hands aren't entirely clean. |
Tuesday, July 6th 2010 - 08:33:29 PM
Name: | Brutus |
Caroline Branson: Thanks for taking the time to provide insightful answers all my inquiries. An A+ all the way! Some random observations: But this has nothing to do with any shame on my part and is simply because I don't feel like explaining it to some dope on an airplane or elsewhere and dealing with a multitude of moronic questions. With all apologies to all my male GIMP friends here, but men are generally not a very smooth group when speaking to any woman, much less someone you perceive as a 'porn star'. Again, I thank you for answering all of this dope's moronic questions :-) ... here are things we've said 'no' to; No weird insertions. Peter will not wear any piece of woman's clothing ever. No bleeding. No needles. No electricity unless faked. Except for the electricity, I don't care for any of the rest either. I actually never knew I was 'into bondage' until Peter asked me if I would try it with him. Interesting. From all the discussions on the forum, it seems the majority of us knew about our fetishes at an early age and feel that our proclivities are innate. [Peter] does, however, like the some of content produced by (Sex and Submission and Public Disgrace) but he doesn't like the lack of any storylines and that it can get a little repetitive. I agree. There is some excellent stuff there, and I recently revisited the site just to check out the excellent and cruel implements of torture on Device Bondage. But with the standard non-plot formula they use, even that soon lost my interest. But [file-sharing] most definitely is going to result in less and lower quality content in the long run. A truly sad state of affairs. This may sound unappealing, as it would be like 'joining the enemy,' but perhaps a new business model is needed in the entertainment world that incorporates the file-sharing technology and their operators? Obviously, this would require international cooperation, and there would still be sites giving stuff away for free. But maybe the producers could at least recoup some of their losses, which seem endless the way things are going now. Just a thought. |
Tuesday, July 6th 2010 - 09:18:22 PM
Name: | John Galt |
YikYakker wrote: Truth is, neither the grabbing of the pubic thatch nor the facial turned me on in the slightest since they passed by so quickly my feeble brain probably just blanked them out. Or they were intended to register subconsciously for some reason. There's a frame or two of a bent-over ass with streaks of blood thrown into the end of the 'eminent priestess' bedroom scene that I noticed but wondered: WTF? No one was bent over in the scene and the blood pattern looked more like it was from scratches. It was kind of like Franco just tossed in everything he could think of to see what he could get away with. It reminds me of a Kevin Smith interview where he said he knows the MPAA will never give him less than an 'R' and will never pass anything he does without demanding cuts. So he purposely tosses in a bunch of stuff he really doesn't care about just to give the small-minded censors something to bitch about and cut. And then he is occasionally surprised when he ends up with a bit he doesn't really want because for some reason the censors didn't excise it. The funniest bit in LLPN, in my opinion, is the uncontrollable orgy of breast-baring at the climax of Maria's satanic rape scene. I would have preferred more Maria and less random boobage. * * * * * Caroline Branson: Thanks for the fascinating Q&A. I don't suppose you would have much opportunity to socialize with fellow adult industry/bondage producers unless you attend the adult industry events or bondage conventions. Do you attend those events very often? And when you do scenes with others, do you seek out models and actresses, or do they seek you out? * * * * * Brutus: Thanks for asking Caroline such great questions. I have really enjoyed the strict metal bondage of Kink's Device Bondage as well. Story lines would be great, but when they have them, they are always uninspired. The latest Sex and Submission has a plot, but it is lame and still consensual. Even so, Kink puts out high-quality, engaging stuff, with some of the hottest models on the BDSM scene, so I always keep an eye on them. I check back in on DungeonCorp a little less frequently, since they seem to have a requirement that all models must be tattooed and/or massively pierced. Alas. |
Tuesday, July 6th 2010 - 10:01:42 PM
Name: | DHT |
A CANADIAN wrote: 'If you've ever seen a Japanese bondage movie that wasn't bought directly from a legitimate Japanese distributor, your hands aren't entirely clean.' Except that I live in Japan. :) |
Wednesday, July 7th 2010 - 03:26:31 AM
Name: | DHT |
Homepage URL: | |
I noticed something today on, which is that they have more of their best clips up right now at this moment than they've had at any time in the past 3 years. They have multiple clips of Liz Tyler, Lorelei, Wenona, Princess Donna, 101, Seven, Tyler Scot, and a zillion others, including Dana DeArmond's first video with them (part 1). If you've been waiting for them to fill up with their prime product, now's the time. |
Wednesday, July 7th 2010 - 03:39:54 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
DHT wrote: Except that I live in Japan. :) LOL. OK, that gets you off the hook. But I suspect my comment still applies to many other GIMPers. |
Wednesday, July 7th 2010 - 06:35:17 AM
Name: | Darkroommt |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
I agree with you in that Device Bondage has great strict bondage, but lacks a story line. Some of the hottest scenes in Kink's history have focused on good stories and a slight turn toward the NC theme... I would love to see more of it, and maybe a little more forced orgasms, Baby Entertainment style... The Japanese put their models through hell, by the looks of it! I know, it's hard to pull off here at home! |
Wednesday, July 7th 2010 - 12:41:00 PM
Name: | Brutus |
DHT: Thanks for the heads-up on InsexArchives. Some of my favorites are now available, like 'The Prostitute' and his work with Tyler Scot. Speaking of Insex, I see that Synapse Films is now selling Graphic Sexual Horror, the hard-to-find documentary about PD and that Amazon pulled from its site. Has anyone seen this yet? |
Wednesday, July 7th 2010 - 09:09:13 PM
Name: | Scot |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Here's a brief but very nice mainstream GIMP scene. It looks to be a clip from Satans Slave (1976), aka Evil Heritage. A pretty blonde (Monika Ringwald, who appeared frequently on the Benny Hill Show) is chained to a tree, stripped naked, branded with a large cross on her belly, and whipped on her back -- all in less than a minute and a half. Lovely! |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 12:31:30 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Catching up on a few things... Caroline Branson: I'm a day late, but thanks for taking the time to answer questions on the forum. I dig it when we hear the inside scoop from professionals who do this for a living. I hope you'll stick around and join us in our conversations in the future. --------------- Darkroom: Thanks for the update on the Insex Archives site. I hadn't been there for quite a while so I took a look around. Does anyone know if they've improved the video quality of their clips? Since I've recently learned to burn video clips to DVD, I attempted to transfer some of the old Insex material I had from when I joined in 2003. Unfortunately, the quality was so bad I just gave up. Have the people that bought up Insex attempted to restore those clips for today's updated video technology? Or is that even possible? I've mentioned before that if Insex's work was available on DVD, I would buy them. It would be a shame if those old shows are only available in low res formats that get too blurry if you expand them to a larger screen. Some of their scenarios were pretty innovative, even compared to the stuff that's being made today. Even though PD has continued on with new sites, I haven't seen much of anything that rings my bell. Way too many freakgirls as models and of course, the consensual storyline doesn't help. Back during Insex's prime, he had some awfully cute models working for him. --------------- Graphic Sexual Horror: Hmmm...that wasn't supposed to come out until August 23. I'm not sure how Synapse is already carrying it, although they are the ones distributing it. If it's already out, Netflix isn't carrying it, even though it's on their site. They list the availability as 'Unknown'. --------------- Scot: Thanks for the link to Satan's Slave. I hadn't watched that scene for a while. I added the clip to the Whipping Scenes Database. Also Hank Hobbs did some nice vidcaps from on the Satan's Slave page. The next database I'm working to restore is the Torture Rack Scenes in Movies Database. A sneak peak of one of the entries begins tomorrow when poor Maria is stretched on the rack in the continuing saga of Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun. I hope you guys are enjoying the caps. |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 02:15:33 AM
Name: | Dan Hawke |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Hi y'all: Thanx for the shout out, Ralphus, I just wanted to mention that while a few of the titles I added date from the very early 2000's (the Tyler Scot video and also Interludes of Agony - which is always scenes compiled from things I couldn't quite fit in previous releases) most of the material is a bit newer than that. Specifically: dhm04: Feb 2005 dhm05: aug 2003 dhm06: aug 2005, nov 2005 dhp01: dec 2000, mar 2001 dhp02: mar 2003 dhp03: oct 2002 dh81 (Interludes title): nov 2001, oct 1999, nov 2002, jul 1999, jun 2002 dh80: jun 2001, oct 2001 Future dhm and dhp release have material even more current than that. DHP01 was an exception, because it had fan favorite Tyler Scot and was some of the last material of her I ever shot. I have a bit more of her in the can, not sure if it will make a single themed video or not yet. The early stuff tends to be released in the classic DH line. DHM and DHP were marketing choices, but I have tried to make these lines much more current. I added two more releases, making eight total new vids available at and have five more I am trying to add in the next few weeks. Moving on to another topic, themes of submission in hard core sex videos, has anyone else noticed the trend over the past few years? It seems particularly prevalent in oral vids, like 'Throat Gaggers', 'Throat Fuck Gangbang' and 'Gag Factor', but also crops up in non-oral lines such as 'Tamed Teens' and most notably in the interview segments of 'Meat Holes' directed by Kahn Tusion who put out the infamous 'Rough Sex' series a few years back. I personally like the oral as when done roughly the guys seems to be torturing women with their cocks. Shoving them in deeply, roughly and holding the girls noses and slapping them. Particularly popular is the quasi hogtie position the girls are put in and throat fucked by one guy after another. In these videos it is the final smile the girls give at the end that looks like bad acting. Their sobbing, gagging performance prior to that seems real. Does anyone else here find these types of mainstream adult flix as hot as I do? The fact that the girls always tease during the pre-sex interview just makes their later looks of being in over their head so satisfying. I personally find scenes within these titles hotter than even the bound, but less rough sex shown on sites like Sex & Submission and their ilk. Some incorporate some mild bondage, but it is usually discarded after a bit. I don't mind as long as the action stays hot. A Francesce Le' video, 'Cum Swallowing Whores 3', I think, has Tyler Wynn start her segment in classic bondage. This title also has one of the roughest scenes of male sexual domination I have ever seen as the last segment. So who else likes these titles? Ralphus, sounds like a poll question to me. Don't get me wrong, I still like the bondage stuff, but these days the bondage titles/scenes I enjoy must be excellently produced, having great bondage, hot babes and adequate camera work. Most don't. Kink and Dungeon Corp put out good stuff consistently, though I feel moved by only about 40% of their stuff. PD still runs Hardtied, but for some reason I have never joined. Possibly because it seems a shadow of the glory days of insex. Future of Web Based Bondage Also as good as Kink and Dungeoncorp are, their material has taken on something of a cookie cutter approach, leavened only by the fact that they have so many different riggers. Still the house style is always evident in their stuff. In many ways the web model has evolved into the old magazine/video store model. Only now the things destroying mom & pop bondage producers (like me) are not the barriers to entry. It is the fact that a few big players have cornered the market and that fans (especially younger ones) don't support the producers any more. I hope you guys really like kink and dungeon corp, cause trends argue they'll soon be the only players to go to. And what happens to their creativity then? So that's the state of things, couple big players, a few holdouts still hanging on by their fingertips trying to bring some variety and an alternate vision (usually out of deep seated love of the stuff themselves) to consumers who, by and large, don't want to pay for anything. Even the big guys don't make the money they used to. They just churn stuff out in such bulk that their more meager returns are a smaller cut of a really big pie. I (and my web salesman, Bill Kerchein) once had bitter arguments with folks on this board (see the archives) who argued that it was their right, if not duty, to grab everything for free they could. That wanting compensation for our work was just stupid producers embracing an obsolete business model. Well, sadly, I haven't found an alternative model that works. I said then and I say now, take compensation out of the picture and you give the market only to the biggest few producers out there. Ralphus has heard my tired song and dance before, I fear. Still, I have seen ten or twelve small production houses go under; and these are only the ones I know or follow. Soon the web will be a marketing arm as codified as the porn industry of the 70's and 80's. But that seems to be what the fans (you guys) want. But I plan on hanging in there. ~Dan |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 11:34:52 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Dan Hawke wrote: I (and my web salesman, Bill Kerchein) once had bitter arguments with folks on this board (see the archives) who argued that it was their right, if not duty, to grab everything for free they could. That wanting compensation for our work was just stupid producers embracing an obsolete business model. Well, sadly, I haven't found an alternative model that works. Finding a new business model that will work seems to be the challenge of our times. It's not just porn producers who are suffering. The story is similar for the mainstream news media. Everyone wants to access news stories from free websites -- yet, news outlets need revenues in order to pay reporters to generate those news stories. Rupert Murdoch thinks he'll solve the problem by putting firewalls around his sites and forcing users to pay. I'm not sure that will work. Even some of the big Internet sites aren't necessarily making money. YouTube is bleeding hundreds of millions in losses, and the Huffington Post has been struggling to become profitable. I have no idea how this will all work out. |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 07:58:44 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Hell Ride (2008) What do young outlaw bikers from the 60s and 70s do when theyve become a bit long in the tooth? They make a Quentin Tarantino movie! Actually, this is directed by, and stars, Larry Bishop as Pistolero, Pres of a biker gang called the Victors. Basically, its about their conflict with a rival gang, the 666-ers. It's meant to be a throwback to the old biker-exploitation flicks of bygone years, but it delivers far more violence and nudity than those oldies even pretended to offer. It also features absurdly overheated dialogue, peyote-induced hallucinations, naked female oil-wrestling, awesome chicks like Leonor Varela, shootin, fightin, boozin, cussin, boss hogs, a bitchin Mustang, Leonor Varela as the bitch in the Mustang, corpse-strewn highways, retro tunes from sources like Heavy, Hells Belles and Wild Angels, late great road warriors Dennis Hopper and David Carradine (in bondage!), and as Nada, Leonor Varela. But does it have any GIMPage? Sorta. Theres a brief scene, told in flashback, in which a woman is tied to a chair. Shes gotta burn, an unidentified voice says, but unfortunately, her unseen assailants have slashed her throat. Now, I always thought that this resulted in immediate death, but I guess Im naïve about such things. Shes still alive, but so out of it that she cannot react to her impending doom as they soak her with gasoline. When they finally toss the cig lighter in her direction, the screen is lit up by a bright flash that fades into the present. This would have been a nice pyro scenario if the victim had been able to scream or mmmph or struggle futilely against her bonds. Dunderheads. This is such a mish-mash of cool and lame things (much like the movies it imitates) that I can only throw in the towel and give it a C-. If youre into biker flicks, you might like it. Otherwise, my recommendation is to skip the movie and try to find the soundtrack. |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 08:02:03 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
YikYakker: Thanks for the assessment of Hell Ride. It sounds like a better-than-average attempt to satisfy Quentin Tarantino's fixation with B movies, but something that still falls short for GIMPers. Somehow, I think Tarantino (and the people who work for him) keep missing the key element of exploitation. Oh, well. At least someone is creating work for Michael Madsen. |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 08:24:06 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Dan Hawke wrote: I personally like the oral as when done roughly the guys seems to be torturing women with their cocks. I believe I have mentioned my preference for similar scenes in previous posts. I wouldn't limit it to oral, though. I enjoy any scene that 'seems' real, or walks that fine line where the model/actress approaches or passes her comfort level, but doesn't safe word out. In the non-bondage arena, rough oral sex seems to be the most common form this pushing-the-limits stuff takes. I personally like it when there is a rough sex aspect to a scene, as opposed to whipping, slapping, spanking, or other methods of physical abuse. I get my fix primarily from Powershotz productions, which combines (limited) rough sex play with traditional BDSM (whipping, spanking, bondage) inflicted on young models and actresses who are not 'hardened' bondage subs. Yet. * * * * * Dan Hawke also wrote: I hope you guys really like kink and dungeon corp, cause trends argue they'll soon be the only players to go to. And what happens to their creativity then? I enjoy the style productions, and although I very much doubt anyone is going to corner the market on BDSM sex any time soon, if everything ended up 'like', I'm not sure I would complain all that much. First of all, look at the variety of sites they have running. Hogtied was fairly straightforward and WaterBondage was fairly unique early on. But now look at the choices. Femdom with female subs. Femdom with male subs. Electricity. Rope bondage. Metal bondage. Transsexual. Wrestling. Lifestyle exploits like Training of O and The Upper Room. Something to turn some people on, and something to turn some people off. (Trannies and Femdom with male subs I have no desire to watch; Training of O and The Upper Room just aren't my thing.) Second, is raising the public profile of BDSM. They bought a landmark in the middle of San Francisco! They run tours. They treat it like a business instead of a dirty secret. It all may come crashing down because of some crazed religious zealotry or some slimy political person/party who uses it for a platform (can you say 'Family Values'?), but the damage will have been done. People will have accepted it just a little bit more, and it will be more acceptable the next time. Third, has high production values, so the videos and photographs are high-quality and a pleasure to watch, if you like that sort of thing. They have definitely upped the ante and increased my expectations. Fourth, they employ professional riggers. So they provide for a safe environment for porn that could very easily be harmful in the hands of less scrupulous or professional people. I suspect even first-timers looking for a BDSM experience to determine whether or not it is what they want to get into have an extremely high comfort level shooting for All that said, I don't think we have to worry about a few monster companies taking over the market. There will always be niche opportunities. hasn't done scarves. Or Gordian vehicles fucking latex-covered models. * * * * * A Canadian wrote (regarding file sharing): Finding a new business model that will work seems to be the challenge of our times. As far as file sharing goes, I expect a paradigm shift of some sort. The church had a stranglehold on religion until the invention of the printing press. After that, more and more people could obtain and read the Bible for themselves and the clerics who were once the sole conduits of religious thought found themselves having to retool religion to find new ways to subjugate the masses. It gives me untold pleasure to equate the church with modern pornographers, although actually I am equating it with anyone whose content can be shared via the Internet. But creativity will not shrivel up and die. Nor, I suspect, will the current business model adapt to the Internet Age. There will be some new, as yet un-thought-of way forward. If musicians had any brains, they would begin making money from concerts, which is an experience that cannot be duplicated and shared via the Internet. They would, in fact, stop wasting money on pressing, distributing and selling CDs, and start distributing songs for free via the Internet. And write it off as advertising expenses. We have had successful musicians much longer than we have had a music industry, after all. Movies have always been a destination event, perfect for dates or evenings out. Figure out the next stage in movie production and presentation, whether 3-D or wrap-around or even holographic, then make the theater a place to go instead of just a dark auditorium filled with rude and inconsiderate people, and revise business models to take advantage of the experience instead of just the movie. Maybe costs will need to come down, but maybe that isn't a completely bad thing. Old movies, some of which are still classics, generally ended with maybe 30 seconds of credits. Modern movies go through three or four different songs during the end credits. Maybe there's some bloat. Maybe movies don't have to be that costly, and so the pressure to squeeze every last penny from DVDs might ease up. Alas, I have no suggestion for porn. It is not something I would prefer to see in a concert, nor is it my idea of a night out, although I am pretty sure there are those who would enjoy that. In truth, it is a fairly personal experience for me, and not one I care to share with more than one other person at a time, and not really anywhere except in a personal residence. The trick might be finding alternate revenue streams. Do a deal with BDSM equipment or clothing companies to sponsor shoots using their products, or with dungeon franchises where people can go to try out the sets. Wouldn't it be cool to have access to suspension rigging or a rack or some of the bizarre fucking machines you've seen, and be able to rent it out for a really unforgettable night out? And you could choose to make it private (my preference) or viewable to people who would pay an admission to defray your rental cost. You know there are places like that, although not necessarily employing that business model. I think sponsorship would be a viable revenue stream. Imagine how much money Enron could have saved if instead of a stadium they had sponsored a dungeon franchise where people would have paid to be bent over and fucked up the ass by a machine. As it was, they did that to people for free and lost money in the bargain. Yes, to end this endless ramble, I think there will be a new business model that takes into account file sharing, or possibly employs it to achieve a profitable goal. Because it is not going to stop. |
Thursday, July 8th 2010 - 10:57:24 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Dan Hawke wrote: I (and my web salesman, Bill Kerchein) once had bitter arguments with folks on this board (see the archives) who argued that it was their right, if not duty, to grab everything for free they could. That wanting compensation for our work was just stupid producers embracing an obsolete business model. Well, sadly, I haven't found an alternative model that works. Well, I have an idea for an alternative model to all the Internet file-sharing that drains the billions of dollars of revenues from the producers and artists that should be entitled to it...but it will never work because not enough people care, plus it would be a public relations nightmare for whoever decided to take it on. But here's an about policing the Internet? Give an Internet Czar complete power and authority to shut down sites whose sole purpose is redistributing stolen music and movie files...sites like Limewire, eMule, Rapidshare, Extreme Board, etc. Make them illegal. They all know they're breaking the law and so does everyone else; the problem is no one does anything about it. The Internet is huge, so hire average Joes across the country to seek them out and report new illegal activity when it crops up. Pay them for turning in sites who continue to illegal distribute pirated material. Think that will boost the economy? I'm not saying I wouldn't miss having easy access to all that material, and yeah, the outcry would be great. People want their free stuff. I don't blame them. But there's also a percentage of people who know that it's not right that they should be getting everything for free. I'd like to think there are some people out there who have a conscience and believe artists should be paid for what they do, and who would support this idea. Probably not a majority would, but I would have no problem if someone decided to take that step. Otherwise, nothing will change and it will continue to get worse. |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 01:11:29 AM
Name: | Liquor in the front, poker in the rear |
Dan Hawke wrote: I haven't found an alternative model that works. As John Galt was leaning towards, for things like music there is profitability in mixed revenue streams, i.e. CDs plus downloads plus merchandise plus concerts plus TV advertisements plus movie placements etc etc ad infinitum. I think there's another stream that is underappreciated by content makers, but even if they grokked it using it and solving it is beyond individual producers. Namely, the reduction of hassle. You underestimate how important that is. Analogize the Internet to a city accessible by a toll bridge. We all (typically) pay a fee for e.g. broadband access, right? What content producers are asking is, let's design the rest of the city to resemble that toll bridge. For every street, let's make every driver pay another fee, and another fee, and another fee. I don't care how compelling your content is - no user of those streets wants that. So how does a content maker make sure their content (street) is paid for? Add it to the cost of the toll bridge. One of the problems you have is ISPs making money hands over fist with their monopolies and not wanting to play nicely and share. In an ideal world, the toll for entering the Internet would start at a more realistic, say, $10 just to enter. Then, the additional monies that people regularly pay for a broadband connection (let's say an extra $30 per month over that $10) would be shared with those content providers whose sites visitors visit and download from. Would it cover all your costs? No. But I think it is unfair to claim that visitors don't want to pay. Most people don't mind paying, what they hate is being nickled and dimed and tracked and hassled every time they enter the online space. The Internet started as 'enter, and romp to your heart's content anywhere you like.' The web came and with it the AOL model of 'pay a fee, but the longer you stay in the city the more we'll charge you.' The current model is, 'pay a flat rate and you're in.' These all work because there is one entry transaction, and then the visitor is done being hassled and paying. I have no idea how content providers can band together, force ISPs to work with them to set up fee sharing arrangements and the like. But money is being left on the table (or siphoned off to the ISPs) that most people would be okay with paying, if we could simply keep paying once and then be done with it. Think of it like an all you can eat buffet. Diners pay one fee and then pick and choose what to eat and how much. Sure, some people individually cost the buffet provider money because they eat more than others. But overall, the buffet owner can account for that and ensure the single fee covers everyone adequately, the overeaters, undereaters, and average. The Internet is a buffet. And buffets don't work when you try to charge a payment for every biteful. Heck, just the overhead of trying to model the buffet business like that would worsen the financial picture. I'm rambling too (it's late) but I hope this makes sense. People don't mind paying. People mind the infuriatingly nitpicking manner in which they are being charged. Liquor in the front, poker in the rear |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 01:29:17 AM
Name: | DHT |
YikYakker: HELL RIDE!!!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!! I love that movie. I am a big fan of Larry Bishop, who has made 3 movies and they are all favorites of mine: Underworld (not the vampire bullshit) with Dennis LEary and Joe Mantegna Trigger Happy, also called Mad Dog Time, with Jeff Goldblum, Richard Dreyfuss, and Gabriel Byrne, And this movie, Hell Ride. No, Hell Ride has no gimpage at all. It does have a TON of really hot women, one of whom shows her vaj, and David Carradine get's his head chopped off and delivered to Vinnie Jones in a picnic basket by Dennis Hopper. Right there is more than worth the price of admission. Also, Michael Madsen's channeling George C. Scott's snarl is great fun. Now, if Larry Bishop ever want's to make a white slavery movie, like Mankillers or something like that, I'm all for it. |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 01:39:54 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
A couple other things... YikYakker: Thanks for the review of Hell Ride. Obviously, I dig burning scenes, but this one sounds like it missed the boat as far as giving us what we really like, which is the fear and the suspense and the struggling in the ropes before such said event occurs. Tying her up and then just offing her in a big flash sounds like a waste of a good damsel. Looks like a fun movie otherwise, but Tarantino doesn't have a good track record for bringing us GIMPage. The direct link for your review is in my Homepage URL above. --------------- Dan Hawke wrote: ...themes of submission in hard core sex videos...Does anyone else here find these types of mainstream adult flix as hot as I do? I haven't seen enough of the works from the sites you mention, but I know what I like, and also what I don't like. Submission on the ladies part implies consent, whether she's consenting to either give in or give up; either way, I don't like it. You mentioned that some incorporate some mild bondage, but it is usually discarded after a bit. Then what's the point? That reminds me of those Japanese 'rape' videos that Canadian reviews from time to time that have minimal or no bondage and you often can't tell the difference between them and consensual sex. Rough sex can be entertaining, but if she's not tied up, she's at least got a choice as to whether to continue. She has control, at least partially. What I like is getting down to basics. Tie her up and rape her. Tie her up and torture her. And keep her tied up. Give me nonconsensual plotlines. I don't give a damn if that's not politically correct; these are fantasy movies so why not make the kind of movies men really want to see? As far as your contention that pretty soon the only players left will be like Kink and Dungeon Corp, no, thank you. Galt mentioned all the variety of sites that Kink operates now, but so what? I don't care about any of them because they ALL feature consensual themes, which makes them all equally worthless in my book. I've seen stuff from them that has potential, but they always disappoint me in some way, and usually it's because they're ultimately more concerned with giving the woman an orgasm. You want a poll? Let's do one. GIMP POLL: Should be interesting to see what kind of responses we get for this one. I've given my answer, who else has an opinion? |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 02:42:41 AM
Name: | Linda R |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Bring it on! ;-) |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 09:46:16 AM
Name: | Baron von Folter |
E-mail address: | |
GIMP POLL: Do you favor the trend of submission in today's porn, or is it the bondage itself that's more important? Given the choice, would you prefer to see a movie with rough consensual sex with little or no bondage, or a movie where the woman is tied up throughout?, I want to see a movie where the woman is kidnapped or captured or arrested and is kept chained or tied or caged throughout. Baron von Folter |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 12:16:29 PM
Name: | Bill |
E-mail address: | |
The bondage being applied to the unwilling victim and the resulting struggle to get loose is the thing for me . . . a little torment (not hard torture) adds spice - hard torture like whipping, compressing the breasts and nipples, digital insertion and manipulation is nice also. I also like the threat of physical harm due to the inability of the victim to controll her weakness (ie. hanging due to exertion wearing out the stamina of the vic). |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 04:49:20 PM
Name: | elkcreek |
E-mail address: | |
Wow, while I've been lurking a bit, I haven't posted in a while but Ralphus' post got my gander moving a bit. First, Ralphus, I agree wholeheartedly, that consensual sex just doesn't do it for me. When the scene goes from no, no, no, to yes, yes, yes, I actually think that is far more degrading to women then actual torture porn. The implication being that every women wants it no matter what they say. While I find a helpless women in peril to be an incredible turn on I have no desire to physically harm women, and have never even fantasized about doing it myself. In fairness, I don't want this to be seen as a condemnation on those whose FANTASIES differ from mine, as long as it's acting in the flick, no problem. One other quick note, I must admit that the high quality of reviews here has intimidated me on putting out my little reviews as they just don't measure up to the high standards set here. Having said that I have seen a bunch of new Giga lately, and a couple of overlooked H'wood flicks that are worth a bit of attention. If you guys can stomach a review that doesn't have stills, clips, and background interviews with the producer and actresses I might be up to that. Now to file stealing. I (as a part time musician) have always been vehemently against file stealing. For years I believed the creator of the material should receive their just reward. But what do you do when the product is sourced overseas, and the source doesn't appear interested in selling? This has been a mega problem with me on the Giga material I prefer. I can't download from their site because I am an enlightened (ha-ha) MAC user and they don't support anything but Explorer 10.7 on downloads. I prefer DVD's but their DVD's retail (never on sale) in Japan for $90. I have a tough time justifying that when I can buy a DVD of any first run Multi million dollar H'wood movie for $19.99. I am willing to pay $50 for a download (although that high cost limits my interests), but $90? So I have joined the mass of those who skirt the system. In this case I feel the distributor (who I have contacted and begged them to support MAC ) has decided to discriminate against MAC users and has left me no choice. |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 06:49:17 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
elkcreek wrote: I prefer DVD's but their DVD's retail (never on sale) in Japan for $90. I have a tough time justifying that when I can buy a DVD of any first run Multi million dollar H'wood movie for $19.99. I am willing to pay $50 for a download (although that high cost limits my interests), but $90? So I have joined the mass of those who skirt the system. And that's coming from someone who lives in a free country, and could order movies from Japan if he wished. Consider other jurisdictions, such as Canada, where it is illegal to import such discs, and there's a good chance your movie will be confiscated at the border. Certainly, you can get past the border guards by finding movies online -- but an online search for a lot of movies will often lead to the discovery of free, stolen versions. You almost have a situation where we're leading the horses to water and then hoping they won't drink. This is similar to the point I was making the other day about globalization contributing to piracy. Sometimes, people turn to pirated films because they can't get access to legitimate versions. It compounds the problem, but that's the reality of an online world where many countries have outdated 'obscenity' laws. ----- Meanwhile, I would encourage elkcreek and others who are thinking about writing reviews to proceed with the reviews. We all have different tastes and you can bet almost any review will find some interested readers. For example, I would like to learn about the new Giga movies that elkcreek has seen. |
Friday, July 9th 2010 - 08:29:10 PM
Name: | Iago |
I once saw a movie, I wish I could remember the name. It was a cop movie, not a GIMP movie. The thing that is relevant is that at one point the white cop has a black drug dealer in the car with him, and is givng the dealer a hard time about dealing drugs. The response of the drug dealer was very good. I can't quote it, but what the dealer told the cop was to imagine a poor black neighborhood where no one could own a house and the rentals were crap. Now imagine a bunch of white kids with money start driving by and saying 'Hey, do you have crack? We'll pay you a hundred dollars for crack.' Every day these kids come around, lots of them. How long before the neighborhood starts selling crack? If it happened in a white neighborhood, how long would it take? Pirated material on the internet, I think, is pretty much the same. You have a bunch of producers saying they'll sell you their stuff for $25-$45 per copy. Unlike regular movies you can't really preview by renting first, so it's a total crapshoot. I can see where a lot of people would think they were just one person, what would it matter if they got a few freebies? The lure is there, and the availability undeniable. People are like rivers, they follow the path of least resistance. It's why we have crooked people and crooked rivers. The flip side of this is that the analogy from the movie mentioned above continues. Instead of getting rich off of the white people the money ends up getting snapped up by the drug gangs, and the people in the neighborhood end up worse than before they started selling the drugs. It's the same with the freebies, I expect. Every business has a certain 'shrinkage' percentage they need to cook into their business model, but once too many people are pirating instead of buying (and yes, if you download 'freebies' then you are as big a pirate as the asshat that offered it in the first place, sorry) then the producers can't make a living any more. Porn tends not to be a high-income industry at the best of times. Most famous porn starlets leave the business with next to nothing, or at least they used to. I'm not sure about now, but with the proliferation of 'amateur' stuff I'm not imagining the paydays are growing. We've heard a lot of producers express here that their margins are fairly tight. That type of environment doesn't mean that it takes a thousand people ripping them off to do them in. It might just be a couple dozen, I think. If a group is that small then each person who rips off a producer is a significant source of harm, not just a person in the crowd. I'd suggest considering that next time you were considering Limewiring a copyrighted production. One suggestion I would offer to producers would be to offer 1-5 minute previews of your films in downloadable clips, and also photo galleries. Since people generally can't rent your stuff it would give them a lot more confidence about what they wanted to purchase. I can't speak for anyone else here but I need to watch my budget. I go for the titles that I have the most faith in, or those that appear to represent the best value. If your movie doesn't have 5 minutes of good content for a highlight reel, really, you aren't making a good movie. If you can get my attention with a good preview then I'll (and I suspect others) will buy your product, rather than wasting hours scouring the web for inferior freebies. A paragraph and a little box art (and we know we aren't likely to get that box art when we order) is weak. There are enough adult producers out there that I suspect most pirate downloads by Joe Schmoes are random hits on fetish searches. If you want to fight, I think it might be a good way to fight them through good old fashioned guerilla marketing. Just my $.02, but I'd like to know what anyone thinks. Peace, Iago |
Saturday, July 10th 2010 - 01:53:41 AM
Name: | Jane von Detlefson |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
On piracy - It makes me very sad when one of our fans buys our movies and posts them on the internet for others to take for free. I understand wanting to share because you think it's great, but why hurt us? Why not share a link to our site instead? Piracy really hurts small companies like ours. Red Feline has been around for 12 years, some good years, some bad years, but we intend to hang in there. We offer a lot of different options to try to deter piracy. We offer rentals of our movies, so you can see them before you buy them and trailers of our movies so you can see and download a preview before you rent or buy, as well as tons of pictures from our movies. Several of our movies for download and rental are also MAC friendly, and we're processing the rest of our movies to be MAC friendly as I write this. (We use MAC, so it wouldn't do to discriminate, would it?) I didn't grow up with a sense of entitlement. I don't believe that I should get stuff for free just because I exist in this world. I believe I should have to work and pay for the things I want. If we lived in a socialist world where the government subsidized artists of all kinds, then file sharing would not be such a big deal. But the government is constantly trying to censor our work and put us out of business. So who are the pirates really working for? Are they 'subverting the system'? Or are they helping Big Brother to crush us? I hope more people start appreciating the varied, creative, and interesting work that small producers make and supporting said work instead of trying to put a stop to it. (A big Thank You to all of you who do support our work!!) The Poll - Other than some classic porn that I watched with my friends as a teenager, I haven't seen much. However, I was at a friend's house a couple of years ago and said friend showed me part of a Rocco Siffredi movie (I don't remember which one). It was entertaining because Rocco was having sex with this woman all over the set in a rough way and then crashed through a partition wall and started dunking her head in a toilet that was behind the partition wall, still having sex with her. It looked pretty spontaneous, and the woman clearly didn't like the situation. Would it have been better if she were tied up? Indeed. |
Saturday, July 10th 2010 - 11:21:56 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Elkcreek wrote: I must admit that the high quality of reviews here has intimidated me on putting out my little reviews as they just don't measure up to the high standards set here. Elkcreek (and others): Please don't hesitate to tell us about movies that you've seen. Believe me, those extra bells and whistles can be pretty time-consuming. The main ingredients of a review include: ~ What's the movie about? ~ What kind of GIMPage does it have? ~ Who gets GIMPed? ~ What did you like about the movie? ~ What did you dislike about the movie? ~ And for Ralphus, a grade. That's all a review needs to be a great public service. It helps the rest of us decide whether we want to spend our money on it or not. If others find pics or clips about the movie and want to share them, fine. You don't need to take all of the burden on yourself. We appreciate any info you can give us. I've read some of your reviews in the database and they're fine. Keep 'em coming. |
Saturday, July 10th 2010 - 04:04:45 PM
Name: | J Scourge |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
The current poll: Do you favor the trend of submission in today's porn, or is it the bondage itself that's more important? Given the choice, would you prefer to see a movie with rough consensual sex with little or no bondage, or a movie where the woman is tied up throughout? Although I would never condone forcing someone to do things against their will or harming them in any non-consensual way in real life, my actual favorite vids or pics would be those that appear the girl is being tortured. Obviously, there would be a heavy amount of bondage involved but the sex per se can be at a minimum. Whippings, particularly frontal and most specifically breast whippings are my very favorite. To each their own kink, right? I help to manage a number of groups that Linda owns--Torture Chamber (as shown above), Dugs N' Dungeons (, The Rack (, The Whipping Post ( and others. Do stop by, join us, enjoy what you see and please post pics and share ideas--the more the merrier. |
Saturday, July 10th 2010 - 11:41:22 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
elkcreek wrote: I must admit that the high quality of reviews here has intimidated me on putting out my little reviews as they just don't measure up to the high standards set here. You know, I knew this was gonna come up; in fact, I mentioned it myself here a while back. Guys, if you see a movie you want to tell the forum about, you don't have to be intimidated about posting a review just because you don't have the ability to post picture links and do fancy HTML and all. Those extra bells and whistles are appreciated but they are NOT required. You don't have to write multiple paragraphs and explain every scene. It's a lot of work to write the kind of long reviews that someone like John Galt does, for instance. We have a lot of talented reviewers here but you don't have to measure up to anyone. I think YikYakker explained it pretty well. Just tell us about any GIMP-worthy scenes and give your opinion about what you saw. A review can be as short as a few paragraphs long, or you could go into more detail. Give it a grade at the end, and try to put a link in your Homepage URL about where to find it, so interested readers can easily click on it if they want to order it. That's it. Just do your best. Trust me, any kind of information about movies or videos is always going to appreciated. It helps a great many people if you can make the effort to let us know what's out there. ------------- Liquor in the front, poker in the rear wrote: I have no idea how content providers can band together, force ISPs to work with them to set up fee sharing arrangements and the like. But money is being left on the table (or siphoned off to the ISPs) that most people would be okay with paying, if we could simply keep paying once and then be done with it. I actually really liked the reasoning behind your post, comparing the Internet to an all-you-can-eat buffet, even if I don't agree with it. Your idea sounds like the perfect solution if we lived in a perfect world, but we do not. Number one, you're implying that there's all this extra money out there that ISPs take in from the Internet. I don't think that's true, but I'll tell what it most assuredly NOT true, that they would be willing to pool their profits and give a percentage to content providers just because they happen to be on the Internet. You have any idea how many millions, make that billions of sites are out there trying to make money on the net? There would be nothing left to pay even a small portion of the sites wanting their cut. Elkcreek also made a good point when he talked about certain companies that deliberately overprice their material (Inquisition Live is one that immediately comes to my mind) so even if the consumer wants to do the right thing and order the film though proper channels, he's practically discouraged from doing so. A fair price for fetish material is in the $20-50 price range, not $90. Maybe they figure their stuff will get bootlegged anyway so they decide to get as much as they can from honest buyers to make up for the loss they'll incur when the film gets stolen and put on the net for free. I think that's a bad solution, but hell, I don't know what I'd do if I were a producer and I knew whatever I tried to create for the Internet was just going to be stolen anyway. I would probably just give up, because no one is fighting for us. The government (well, maybe not this current administration but certainly the last one) would prefer to see us eliminated anyway. My idea of the Internet Czar is another one of those 'perfect world' scenarios that could possibly work, but it would be shot down by public opinion as soon as word got out that it would benefit pornography. We certainly can't have that, can we? |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 01:13:09 AM
Name: | JohnM |
Homepage URL: | |
REVENGE II Starring Amber Detailed Preview Here. Description and order info at my Basement Store Many of my movies now available at my new download store--details HERE. About Piracy: What Jane Said. Thanks JohnM |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 01:20:22 AM
Name: | Liquor in the front, poker in the rear |
Ralphus wrote: You have any idea how many millions, make that billions of sites are out there trying to make money on the net? There would be nothing left to pay even a small portion of the sites wanting their cut. Again I don't know how feasible this overall idea is, but what you point out doesn't matter. Envision it being set up in some way where the most popular content gets the most dollars. That's the way it works in the real world for tangible products, right? Imagine you want to sign up for Internet access, and you can buy a free content tranche for $10 bucks, add a news tranche for another $10, a movie tranche for another $10, an audio tranche for yet another ten, and a porn tranche. That's $50 a month for the all you can eat buffet. I'd pay it. Now, forget about micropayments and tracking what an individual downloads. Instead work it out between the ISPs and those entering the 'Net as content providers to track, not who's doing what buying, but who is doing what selling. If gets 50% of all the porn traffic, then gets 50% of all the aggregated $10 payments that came in that month from everyone who bought the porn tranche. Maybe it's pie in the sky. But it's what the customers want, and that's where the answer ALWAYS is in terms of how one makes money. Anyway, back to the good stuff. On the poll, I feel the same way as I did with the blindfold question - it's all good. I like variety. Rough sex plus bondage would be great, but each alone is a lot of fun, too. And blindfolds, added to any portion of a scene, can be sexy. I guess the only thing I'd vote against is all-blindfold, all the time. I want to see the girl. In fact, that's something we've never really discussed here before, but I find that preference (want to see the girl) a constant for me in any porn. I don't enjoy the rough stuff as much if I didn't get a chance to see the wholesome looking, clothed girl first. It makes it better for me to know that that normal looking girl has a wild tigress inside her. Liquor in the front, poker in the rear |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 01:52:36 AM
Name: | TARL |
Homepage URL: | |
dear jane, good post! my opinion to this theme: sites in net (as gimp, hanks and my group and others) are ok specialize for small producers. why? we are collectors of all this stuff, looking permanent for new and/or unknown movies, buy this movies and share pics and/or scenes from this, post than in net. all of us have many members and if we post a 'good' movie, i think, some of the users like that and buy later the film. so my opinion is - more 'little' productions should give 'us' relevant stuff of new work for push the movies in net, speciell in the 'targetgroup'. sry for bad english but i hope you understand what i will tell. greets Tarl |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 02:01:18 AM
Name: | Eda |
E-mail address: | |
I don't mean to be difficult, but neither of the alternatives offered by the current poll -- a movie with rough consensual sex with little or no bondage, or a movie where the woman is tied up throughout -- is enough to interest me. 'Consensual' ruins the first choice for me, and just bondage isn't enough to make the second interesting enough. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 02:06:47 AM
![Death Scream Bloody Gore Rar Death Scream Bloody Gore Rar](
Name: | TARL |
Homepage URL: | |
hey gimpers, a brand new german movie in best backwoodstyle is 'Break'. after contact with the producer i can you say: a 3 min rapescene with a trapped and bound girl is in it. the problem: in moment is only the cut-version availeble - only a little little little bit rape - but later we can hope for a uncutversion. check out the movie in my group - today morning updated with 'Break'. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 05:14:14 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Eda wrote: Neither of the alternatives offered by the current poll -- a movie with rough consensual sex with little or no bondage, or a movie where the woman is tied up throughout -- is enough to interest me. 'Consensual' ruins the first choice for me, and just bondage isn't enough to make the second interesting enough. I agree. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 09:49:10 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Poll: I go along with Canadian and Eda, I'd like to see a different scenario. Something like the one Jane described in her post about the Rocco Siffredi movie. It starts out consensual, the guy starts to get rough, the girl doesn't like it, the guy becomes more forceful, the girl tries to put a stop to it, the guy puts her in restraints (rope, cuffs, whatever), and so on. A gradually escalating encounter that ends up with primo GIMPage. Yeah, I could get into that. Maybe somebody has already done a porn like that. Or maybe Eda has written a story like that. ;) ------- Speaking of things Canadian, the movie Break that Tarl posted about is described thusly at IMDb: Four young girls head out into the Canadian woods for some outdoors fun. They wind up running into 2 brutal and sadistically inhuman rednecks. A blood-soaked fight for survival ensues. Canadian rednecks? I never considered that possibility. Anyway, I checked out Tarl's pics and they show at least three girls tied up: one naked, arms outstretched, between two trees (I like that), the others tied AOH to single trees. The girls look pretty beat up (gashes, blood) but lucid enough to show distress. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 10:34:48 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Sorry, I meant to post a link to the Break movie; there are only about two million flicks that go by that name. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 10:38:02 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Regarding internet piracy: Like most folks who have posted on this subject, I agree that such activities should be condemned because of the depressing effect they have on the producers who give us the things we like and want to support. But like Canadian and elkcreek, I can think of situations where filesharing is essential. For example, I often troll for obscure or rare material that dates from decades ago. In doing so, I often encounter these scenarios: ~ the movie is out of print and no longer available ~ the movie is available from a reseller who is asking a princely sum for it ~ the movie is available on DVD, but in the transfer from VHS, all the good stuff has been removed. If someone would offer what I want at a reasonable price, I would pay for it. But in these cases, the original artists/producers are not hurt by file-sharing because a) they've already made their money - only the reseller stands to gain (sort of like a ticket-scalper), b) some of these folks are probably dead by now, c) people who ruin the artists' original works to make a buck should not be compensated for their crimes. I'm not rationalizing file-sharing, just filling in some gaps in the discussion. Maybe someone else has some more thoughts about that. ------- Speaking of things 'princely', the Artist Once Again Known as Prince has given up on the Internet. He's now giving away CDs as newspaper supplements (see URL). I wouldn't mind getting a GIMP CD with my Sunday paper. :)) |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:15:43 AM
Name: | John Galt |
I seem to have woken up in a totalitarian/police state GIMP forum where the moderator, Mirror-image Ralphus, is advocating (not once, which might have been construed as a jibe, but twice) a government-appointed national censor to unilaterally shut down, to American citizens (and, I suspect, the citizens of other nations worldwide if at all possible), certain web sites based on criteria judged to be operating illegally by this nation's elected representatives. Based on my paranoid view of government intervention in censorship matters, I will wholly disagree with the fear that the national censor office would be shut down as soon as word got out it benefited pornography. In fact, I believe it would be enlarged and expanded to include shutting down any web site deemed illegal as, say, a violation of local obscenity laws. In a Perfect World (as defined by people who write obscenity laws to begin with, and with the tacit approval of at least a simple majority of the citizenry--which is significantly larger, I suspect, than the GIMP citizen subset in which Ralphus, Mirror-image Ralphus, and the rest of us reside), that's the manner in which the freedom of the Internet would be dealt. Seemingly easy solutions generally camouflage and ultimately result in greater problems, in my opinion. It is critical to not give that power to anyone, ever, because it would prove impossible to take it away afterwards. However, I will observe how easy it is to fall into the trap of willingly giving away the liberties of others that you don't think will affect you. It is a slippery slope. Any form of acceptable government proscribed censorship, however limited you think it might be, will increase in power and scope to include something you enjoy. In the case of producing or viewing GIMP material, I suspect that would happen sooner rather than later. Illegal file sharing is a problem, although with apologies to the producers on the forum, it is a mosquito problem when compared to the elephant problems resulting from willingly setting up an agency to censor web sites nationwide. Such a censorship might initially resolve your profit-motivated reasons for supporting it, but eventually it will grow to consume not only your profits but very likely your freedom. That's my government paranoia rant for the weekend. Now if only I can duplicate the web browser malfunction that delivered me into this alternate Internet universe and get back to viewing socially unacceptable GIMP in my own Internet universe. Powershotz just released a downloadable version of the DVD where an intruder illegally broke into Lexis Lane's house, illegally took her captive, illegally stripped her naked, bound her up in different painful and humiliating ways, and then later anally violated (illegal in some states) both her and hot blond Shelby. That might not pass Internet Czar muster in this alternate universe, so I need to get back. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:18:27 AM
Name: | Eda |
E-mail address: | |
Yik Yakker asked, regarding a possible scenario: 'A gradually escalating encounter that ends up with primo GIMPage. Yeah, I could get into that. Maybe ... Eda has written a story like that.' Although most of my stories focus strictly on non-consensual situations, there is some consensual bondage and sex in BOUND FOR LOVE, UNEXPECTED CAPTURE and PLAYING THE GAME (but I better not say more). |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 12:19:49 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
John Galt wrote: I will observe how easy it is to fall into the trap of willingly giving away the liberties of others that you don't think will affect you. It is a slippery slope. Any form of acceptable government proscribed censorship, however limited you think it might be, will increase in power and scope to include something you enjoy. In the case of producing or viewing GIMP material, I suspect that would happen sooner rather than later. Absolutely. Government bureaucrats are human beings. Like everyone else, they want bigger offices, more pay, more staff. Once you legitimize state censorship, it's a given that the state censors will eventually want to expand their reach. Even if you thought the original goals for censoring adults were valid (such as policing the Internet for pirates), it's only a matter of time before the censorship will extend into areas you disagree with. One of the funnier cases in Canada has involved the Canadian Jewish Congress. The CJC has always favored the use of 'human rights' commissions and so-called 'hate crime' laws to prosecute people who say awful things about Jews. Sounds reasonable, you might say. Unfortunately, the state has now found new victim groups to champion, including shiksas, Nazis and pedophiles. Not exactly what the CJC had in mind. And, since this keeps coming up, I would repeat my caution that censorship is as much a tool of the political left as the political right -- maybe more so. I've said it before and I'll say it again: if I lived in the U.S., I wouldn't necessarily take comfort from the fact that a bleeding heart Democrat is now president of the United States. That doesn't mean things will get better for GIMPers, and they could get worse, since the political left is often more comfortable with state involvement in people's lives. For example, Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan once reportedly wrote in a government brief, 'Whether a given category of speech enjoys First Amendment protection depends upon a categorical balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs. Yikes! |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 12:36:51 PM
Name: | chase |
E-mail address: | |
Older poll: Blindfold or not? Depends if you want to look into someone's eyes while events are happening. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 12:38:57 PM
Name: | chase |
E-mail address: | |
Submission and bondage poll: Personally, I like rope and a bit of roughness. Consensual is great, but I like reluctance. Yeah, I like when the woman isn't eager. Guess I'm old-fashioned. I don't want her screaming or crying, either, because that's no fun. I want to see reluctant acceptance of her fate in her eyes. No blindfolds. I don't want to see fear, but I like anger. That's sexy. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 12:49:20 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Hang on guys. In regards to my Internet Czar idea, I'm not talking about a censor, I'm talking about a COP. Here's the situation we have now. You, as the copyright holder of Internet content, discover your stuff stolen on the Internet. What are your options? You can try to contact the offending site that's hosting it (let's say Rapidshare, one of the largest offenders out there) and maybe they'll respond to your e-mail, maybe they won't. At any rate, it's not likely it will happen immediately. Assuming they do something about it, it often takes days if not weeks for the offending files to disappear, if they do at all. Meanwhile, hundreds if not thousands of people are downloading your material as fast as they can, resulting in financial losses. Meanwhile, while you're waiting, you check out the site where the illegal activity occurred. And you find not just that stolen file, but a whole bunch more of your copyrighted material there, as well as thousands of illegal copyrighted material from hundreds of your other fellow producers there. The site hosting all these illegal files exists for the sole purpose of illegally distributing copyrighted material. And again, we'll give the site a name, Extreme Board as an example. Most people are aware of this site, and they're definitely not the only ones out there, but they are clearly an egregious example. Ask any of the producers what they think about Extreme Board or any sites like them. Or what they think about Rapidshare, another site whose sole existence is to make money from offering access to other people's copyrighted work. They are a huge problem. And yet, they continue on, year after year, draining billions of dollars from legal copyright holders. And nobody does a damn thing about it. Say somebody steals your car, and you discover that there's a huge theft ring operating nearby that specializes in car theft. When the officer comes over to handle your complaint, and you tell him about the car theft ring, he looks at you, nods and continues to file his report. 'Yeah, we know all about them,' he tells you. 'That's the chance you take if you're gonna own a car. Have a good day.' And he leaves. And nothing gets done. Trust me, that's what it's like to be a copyright holder in this day and age. Nobody is on your side, and if you want to fight the Internet file sharers out there, you're literally on your own. The problem is immense, and it's likely going to be a losing battle. People just don't care. If someone took action, sites like Rapidshare. Limewire, Extreme Board, etc. would have been shut down long ago. The fact that they continue to survive, and thrive, is proof that nobody is out there watching out for the copyright holders. How nice would it be if the copyright holders had someone to call that could cut through the bullshit and legal red tape and protect them from this avalanche of illegal file sharing? Again, I'm not talking about a censor who arbitrarily decides something is wrong and starts censoring content, although as mentioned, it could potentially run into a slippery slope if he was given so much power that he could exceed his authority. I'm talking about a policeman elected by the people who works for the professionals out there to protect their legal rights. So instead of having a situation where the cop just nods and accepts illegal activity and then does nothing, the copyright holders actually have a recourse when they see their property being stolen. Again, we're talking about a pipe dream that exists in a mythical perfect world, but it's a nice thought. Like I say, if I were in the situation that producers have to face now, I would probably throw up my arms and quit, because it's a battle they can't win. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 02:02:32 PM
Name: | Baron von Folter |
E-mail address: | folter666@verizon,net |
Some on this board have suggested that government control of the internet through Internet Neutrality' or a COP will solve the file sharing problem. A cop with any authority over the web would have to be authorized by the government. My feelings about government control of the internet: I do NOT want the government under ANY party to have ANY authority or control of the internet. If the government has the authority to start shutting down web sites, no one knows where it will end. For those of you who are familiar with the quote First they came for the Jews know what can result. If you do not know of this quote, Google the line. This is the government famous for unintended consequences even when they are pointed out ahead of time. For example, that passed a law to bring down the price of cable television and as a result, prices went up. As to the consequences of the government takeover of health care, I wont even start on that. In other words, Government: Keep your damn hands off the internet. Baron von Folter |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 02:42:31 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Ralphus wrote: In regards to my Internet Czar idea, I'm not talking about a censor, I'm talking about a COP. Except ... the police don't make the laws, they only enforce them. Thus, by calling for the policing of the Internet, you are ultimately inviting the politicians to decide what will and will not be allowed on the Internet. I think the slope is much slippier than you imagine. Once it is decided the state will decide what is and is not allowed on the 'Net, can the enforcement of 'community standards' be far behind? Or, as Elena Kagan would say, the 'balancing of the value of the speech against its societal costs'? The piracy issue is a problem and your goal is valid. Unfortunately, good motives don't always lead to good public policy. In this case, I think the solution would prove, in the long term, to be worse than the problem its trying to fix. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 05:03:03 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Ralphus wrote: Say somebody steals your car, and you discover that there's a huge theft ring operating nearby that specializes in car theft. When the officer comes over to handle your complaint, and you tell him about the car theft ring, he looks at you, nods and continues to file his report. 'Yeah, we know all about them,' he tells you. 'That's the chance you take if you're gonna own a car. Have a good day.' And he leaves. And nothing gets done. We all carry our prejudices and personal experiences with us, and they affect our outlook in many ways. My experiences have definitely shaped my thoughts and feelings on this topic. I know several people in law enforcement, some of whom I knew in school, so I know what they used to be like, and what they are like now. Their chosen career field has been transformative, and not in good ways. Also, I have been the victim of theft. My parents have been the victims of theft. Your example quotes above are not the exact words, but that is pretty much the attitude, of the responding COPS in both cases, especially if you have any expectation of your property being recovered and returned. Cops pretty much set up speed traps and keep on the lookout for expired state inspection stickers and vehicle registrations. Those are easy tasks, involve interaction with cowed and generally law-abiding citizens instead of gun-toting criminals, and have the added benefit of producing income for the municipality, county, or state. And cops do not enforce the laws fairly or equitably; they selectively enforce only the laws they want to, or are directed to enforce by higher-ups, or if they are pissed off for some reason and feel like taking it out on someone, or not, if it's a hot chick. But never (or extremely rarely) against fellow cops, who are pretty much free to break all fine-producing laws and some misdemeanors. I'm sure there are exceptions but I have not personally met them. I would not expect a national COP tasked with shutting down illegal web sites to act any differently--certainly not in spirit and very probably not in technique. In a Perfect World, where cops were law-abiding citizens instead of simply law-enforcing citizens, it might work. But only if there was a very specific and comprehensive law for them to enforce, which would still require some legislation to craft, which pretty much dooms the effort. Cops are tools of the government, and in the worst cases have the discretion to enforce their own prejudices. Cops have the ability to censor how you live. I see no difference between a COP and a CENSOR except the cop uses selective enforcement, threat of prosecution and imprisonment, or deadly force. I just don't see it working, and I sure don't see it not growing to include censorship. Consider that a COP, even an idealized, focused, incorruptible, mythical Ralphus cop, would be in a situation of deciding web sites on a case-by-case basis. A GIMP web site comes up. Our mythical cop approves the site because it doesn't traffic in file sharing. Word gets out that a government cop approved a site that enthusiastically discusses the joys of torture, rape, bondage, and (in some cases, Ralphus) burning women at the stake. Imagine the outrage that the government SAW this and did not DO anything about it. I do not think that is a far-fetched scenario. We GIMPers are very much at the mercy of the tyranny of the majority, and our only hope is to stay under the radar. I am very much in agreement with A Canadian and Baron von Folter. No cops, please. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 05:17:11 PM
Name: | Eda |
E-mail address: | |
I wish our elected officials and judges would take ten seconds to read the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, which is called the Bill of Rights for a very good reason. Every time I've read it says the same thing: 'Congress shall pass NO law abridging the freedom of speech.' It does NOT say that 'Congress shall pass ALMOST no laws abridging the freedom of speech.' |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 06:06:52 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Eda: Good line. Except, in this case, we're not talking about freedom of speech, we're talking about enforcing laws regarding copyright infringement that have mostly been ignored. Is there anything in the Bill of Rights that mentions it being illegal to steal from others? Maybe I'm thinking of the 10 Commandments. At any rate, I think you guys have made some very valid arguments against having someone enforcing the Internet. While the intention was to cut down on illegal activity, I guess you couldn't logically expect that power to not be abused, and yeah, it could ultimately cause more problems than it solved if it degenerated into that. I would not want to have to deal with a government appointed censor deciding what is allowed on the net, especially since our own site contains content that would probably be amongst the first to be banned. Like I mentioned before, my idealized plan would only work in a perfect world, and unfortunately, such a world doesn't exist. Still, it leaves us with a very real problem which at this point, has no solution. It's great if you're only here to grab free stuff, not so great if you are the one whose stuff is being stolen and no one is standing up for you. We can only do our part here and ban the file-sharers, but we're only a tiny piece of the net and those who want it can certainly find what they're looking for elsewhere. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 06:42:14 PM
Name: | Bella |
Homepage URL: | |
One fix is just to take over the filesharing YOURSELF: release your own OFFICIAL rip of each video before the pirates even have a CHANCE too, so most peeps do not NEED or therefore WANT to look at other sources. To give you something to sell, torrent low-rez rips [just big enough to make out whats going on) and let those who like it, buy the HD version! |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 09:11:45 PM
Name: | TGG |
I need to ask if someone in this community of ours can help identify a very old JAV title I have. I originally purchased it from Video Mayhem some five to six years ago. It was listed on the site under the title 'Rape Of Archery Students'. I don't know if it was ever available under another title. I also don't even what studio produced it. I have a suspicion that the title is one of Max-A's XV series though. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 09:33:40 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Bella: First of all, I did not see a 'Bella' when I scrolled down through all the performers at the URL you posted. What's up with that? Secondly, I think that's a fine idea to distribute low-res torrents as a teaser or loss-leader, and you might even be able to deduct it as a business expense. That would no doubt work for people honestly trying to make sure it is worth buying. But you just know people will still upload the high-res versions behind your back. The fuckers. Third, are your site movies GIMP-ish? Or just erotic? Fourth, umm, does your site distribute free low-res torrent versions...? Just, you know, asking. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 09:55:33 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
The Killer Inside Me update: I'm not sure what kind of theatrical run its had (I don't think it has appeared locally) but the Jessica Alba movie, The Killer Inside Me, will be available on Blu-Ray at the end of September. For those who missed earlier discussions of this film, it's the one where Alba plays a prostitute who gets the crap beaten out of her by her psycho boyfriend. If no one else gets to it before then, I'll post a review when I see the Blu-Ray version. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 10:52:43 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
A Canadian: Blu-Ray, huh? So you've gone high-tech in Canada. I wonder if the sharper picture will make up for the fact that Alba avoids getting tied up in the movie. It might be worth it to see her get beat up for skipping out on the bondage that the script called for. Poetic justice, so to speak. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:04:55 PM
Name: | John Galt |
A Canadian: I heard an interview with Casey Affleck on NPR about this flick, which was interesting. Afterwards a lot of criticism was directed at him for the violence. Apparently the violent content was very effective at riling up the NPR crowd, which truthfully is not all that hard. (Note that I am an enthusiastic member of the NPR crowd, but sometimes they read way too much into things, or over-think things. That is still preferable to the FOX crowd that rarely thinks at all, and gets riled up Pavlov-style when FOX personalities tell them to. But I digress.) The IMDB entry says it was released June 8th. If it was released here theatrically, I missed it completely. As I am certain that Jessica Alba's contract clauses effectively preclude her from doing nudity or anything GIMP-worthy, I am pretty sure her presence guarantees the movie will not deliver, and so I will await your review before foolishly spending any money buying it. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:17:29 PM
Name: | Steve Power |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
John...thank you for pointing out to me that a site is stealing my content. I've fought with sites similar many times. You need to prove that you are the site owner for them to take it down by revealing information about yourself. I don't do it. They can't prove the models are over 18 and are therefore in violation of USC 2257 but the government doesn't care. They want the free porn. Here is the link... Go there and let them have it. Send them e-mails telling them that they are stealing and wail on the mother fuckers. I can't do it. Only a large number of hits will cause them to flinch. I refuse to download from Rapidshare after multiple contacts with them to keep my content off their site. They hide in Switzerland immune to prosecution and essentially market kiddy porn. Kiddy porn being defined as porn where you cannot prove the model is over 18 yet you have the shit on your computer. The feds would jail me for not being able to prove all my models were over 18. Rapidshare and others apparently live by a different law and get to profit by our risk....then market our material onto servers that can be accessed by minors without age verification. They make money while you watch their ads waiting for your download so therefore directly profit without consent of the producer. This is a classic example of how our society has become bigoted. The producer cannot profit and has no legal protection....but they want it free....and they want it now....and they want it all... Write the bastards and wail on them....or be a wimp the video first....she's over 18 and I can prove it. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:24:19 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Steve Power: I don't need to download that scene. I've paid for it twice, and it was well worth the money both times (individual scene and DVD). I notified them via their Contact Us page, referencing the download URL, informing them it is a copyrighted work and should be removed. I'm expecting a 'go fuck yourself' reply from them, but I feel better. Yes, as a legitimate businessman, you are a much easier target for law enforcement types, as I ranted just a few posts ago. Tracking down the file sharing site would be a lot more work, and therefore an unattractive proposition. I'll stop now. |
Sunday, July 11th 2010 - 11:40:26 PM
Name: | Eda |
E-mail address: | |
Ralphus, I understand that YOU were talking about copyright infringement. But I wasn't. I was talking about freedom of speech. It's not always about you !! |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 12:46:40 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Guys, what do we do to rude Asian divas here? Anybody have a suggestion? Maybe I should read some of those GIMP FICTION stories to come up with a suitable punishment. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 01:00:36 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Ralphus wrote: Blu-Ray, huh? So you've gone high-tech in Canada? Yes, even the Canadian rednecks eventually discovered Blu-Ray. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 06:35:28 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
The Wax Mask (1997) aka Maschera di cera This is a sumptuously-rendered, GIMPage-infused horror tale derived from the oft-told story of a madman who operates a wax museum, this time in pre-WWI Paris. Is he a brilliant artist with an eye for detail? Or is he injecting people with a drug that paralyzes them, pumping some special concoction into them to keep them alive (but dead-looking), and using them as exhibits in the museum? We all know the correct answer to that one. The heroine of the story is dark-eyed, exquisite beauty Sonia (Romina Mondello), who gets a job in the wax museum as a costume designer. She meets a photographer-journalist who happens to be investigating a mysterious death in the museum. He tries to get information from a pretty blond prostitute Giorgina (Valery Valmond) who last saw the victim alive. Giorgina is invited to a secret rendezvous but when she arrives at the address, she finds herself in a rather decrepit, abandoned building. As she tries to leave, shes grabbed from behind. She ends up nearly-naked (a sheet covers her loins), strapped in the Dentist Chair from Hell, in a laboratory underneath the museum. The chair is actually an electro-mechanical device used not only to restrain the victim, but also to pose her once the paralytic serum has been administered. The villain operates the infernal machinery with levers, to the accompaniment of blinking bulbs, electric charges and colorful, bubbling liquids in glass containers. Yeah, this is classic mad scientist stuff, and I like it. Meanwhile, Sonia and her lover are sniffing out the mystery. One night, Sonia leaves the museum late and is abducted. We next see her tied to a platform in a barn and her unknown assailant is putting gashes in her forearms. The idea is to use her blood to attract pigs to munch her to death. (I guess this works, but I didnt grow up on a farm, so what do I know?). Shes clothed but looks disheveled (finally) and rather sexy as she struggles in vain to free herself. Rescued, Sonia lives to be GIMPed another day. That day comes when, despite her boyfriends warning not to return to the museum, Sonia sneaks in at night to snoop around. Yoink! Shes grabbed by the neck, gagged and strapped to the chair just like Giorgina. We get nice long looks at her terrific bod and teary eyes, and theres just enough wiggle room in the chair for her to squirm a bit. Unfortunately (for us), Sonias beau arrives to save the day. Fortunately, he must first engage in an epic battle with the villain, which gives us more opportunities to watch Sonia struggle. Unfortunately, the villain is defeated, and the hero returns to free Sonia. Fortunately, the machinery is still working, the needle is about to penetrate Sonias tender flesh, and the boyfriend has to figure out how to stop it, which gives us even more opportunities to watch her writhe a bit. Well, you know the drill, all good things must come to an end, but it was fun while it lasted. Movie plusses: Beautiful victims, great production values (settings, costumes, lighting, props, its all good), thrilling score, and some extra sex and nudity thrown in. Decent performances by all. None of the damsels get bloodied or disemboweled. Movie minuses: Its an Italian flick, so of course the English is dubbed not too badly, but Rominas performance seems to be far better than that of the actress who supplies her voice. I would have preferred subtitles. The last five minutes of the film are a bit wack and include some CGI of SyFy Channel caliber. Theres a femdom scene in the brothel. And Ive seen a few movies now that tried to use a fake pig-head in a scene, and it still hasnt worked right. Despite these flaws, this is an atmospheric film influenced by notables like Argento and Fulci and crafted by folks who appreciate both Gothic horror and GIMPage. My Grade: B. The English-dubbed version is a bit pricey but you can save money by getting the Italian version. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 08:07:30 AM
Name: | J |
To Eda, re your FOS posting I can only add yo go girl. To Ralphus. Eda can be opinionated and quite a handful. On another GIMP related topic that has been raised before, that of the old men's magazines covers and their delicious depictions of beautiful babes tortured at the merciless hands of the (fill in the blank) evildoers of the moment. Even better, at least to me as a youth, was some of the inside art captioned to describe the terrible torture about to be visited on some soft female flesh, but also the stories. Admittedly many were bad, but others, well... Now to my question. Anyone know any good place to find both cover art and inside art from these old mags, and the Holy Grail, some of the stories with the art legible enough to read? I recall some years ago someone here in the GIMP offered to transcribe some of them, but unsure if that effort went anywhere. Anyway, thanks and any help appreciated. And yes, I have Googled myself to the bone looking for this stuff. Maybe my search terms are wrong, or I am in a rut that keeps me from finding some mother lode, but I am asking anyway. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 11:51:18 AM
Name: | John Galt |
Although the last episode of HBO's True Blood was disappointing, GIMP-wise, this week had some nice, albeit brief moments. The Tara character was rope bound sitting on the toilet in a motel bathroom with a duct tape gag. For the entire length of the daylight hours. And hot blond badass vampire Pam was chained into an off-the-ground frame device and tortured by way of being burned with a silver cane tip. Tara's rope bondage is obvious. Pam's bondage is harder to see, and most of the time it looks like she's just holding onto the uprights. But when she was burned between her breasts it was kind of nice. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 02:05:57 PM
Name: | Badger |
'The Killer Inside Me' did open at an Indie house near me. It closed in a week, before I could get to it. Gotta wait now for the DVD. I will dial my expectations way down ... setting them on 'Alba'. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 05:49:43 PM
![Gore Gore](
Name: | A Canadian |
YikYakker: Thanks for the fun and informative review of The Wax Mask. Other than knowing I'm a mangiacake, my grasp of Italian is a bit weak -- but my bank account's in even worse shape, so if I decide to see this movie, I'll go for the Italian version. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 07:32:03 PM
Name: | Brutus |
YikYakker: I mentioned this some time ago, but I think The Wax Mask is one of the more underrated and overlooked mainstream movies in terms of GIMP, for the reasons you gave. I might have gone as high as a B+. I had the good fortune to stumble across this movie at a rental shop a few years back, so that's a possible option for people who want to save a few bucks on this film. ---------- GIMP Poll: I definitely do not like the trend toward submission and rough consensual sex, although that trend may have more to do with producers wanting to avoid legal troubles than the demands of us pervs. I prefer bondage throughout (not the love bondage fare), prefaced by an abduction scene to set the stage. The underlying theme of my fantasies is total helplessness on the part of the victim and total control on the part of the villain. I want to see the villain wield such power over the victim that he can do anything he wants to her, be it rape, tickling or even unwanted forced orgasms. And if he gets bored of that, he can leave for a few hours and return to find her in the same helpless position for some more torture. Rough consensual sex does nothing for me. ---------- Piracy: I think many good ideas have been put forward on trying to figure out a new business model. Unfortunately, the greed factor will always be in play to potentially derail any plan. Here's an idea that may be illegal and may have already been tried before, but how about the bondage producers pooling some funds together to hire a full-time and elusive computer genius who continually uploads fake bondage clips that unleash a nasty program that wipes out hard drives or causes some other costly problems for the downloaders? If word spreads that, say, Red Feline movies on file-sharing programs are untrustworthy and potentially harmful for computers, then perhaps users will not try to steal them. And would they complain to the police or other authorities that they received viruses by illegally downloading bondage porn? Just a thought. ---------- Freedom of Speech: Here's the latest on what the Supreme Court is doing on this matter. |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 08:54:10 PM
Name: | Covers |
Homepage URL: | |
J, I am not aware of any sources for complete man's adventure magazine scans, but you can find some goodies at Also some cover scans at I could also provide some of my favorite man's adventure cover scans from my collection to Ralphus if he is interested in using them in this forum. Covers |
Monday, July 12th 2010 - 11:17:23 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
J wrote: Eda can be opinionated and quite a handful. No way! Really? ------------------ YikYakker: Another great review, my friend. The Wax Mask is one I've seen, in fact, all it took was seeing one vidcap of Romina Mondello tied naked to a restraint device and I knew this one would be worth getting. I was fortunate enough to buy the DVD years ago, not knowing it would later go out of print, which really sucks. Guys, if you can locate a copy of the movie somewhere, you won't be disappointed. One of my favorite bondage thrills from when I was a kid was the classic Vincent Price movie House of Wax, during which Phyllis Kirk was bound naked and about to covered with boiling, bubbling molten wax. Of course, since this was made in 1953, they weren't allowed to show you actual nudity, but the bondage imagery was still great. This is a film that was begging for a modern-day remake, and these guys did it right. Not only do you get bondage AND nudity, both women are beautiful. I think Mondello is positively stunning; she rings my bell big time. 3 really nice bondage peril scenes, good suspense, this is one of the better GIMP movies that not a lot of people know about. I just wish they made more movies like this. The direct link to your latest review is in my Homepage URL above. ------------------ Covers wrote: I could also provide some of my favorite man's adventure cover scans from my collection to Ralphus if he is interested in using them in this forum. Oh, thank you so much! I love your Bondage Cover of the Day site but I'm always forgetting to check in. And of course, you change the pictures every day so I miss most of them (what kind of stupid site would do that?). I love those old men's magazine covers and I know the gang here does, too. Those are probably the most popular of all the daily pictures; at least we get more positive comments whenever I run them. I have over 3300 in my collection but I know there's lots of stuff I'm missing. Drop me an e-mail. |
Tuesday, July 13th 2010 - 02:16:55 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Brutus: I mentioned this some time ago, but I think The Wax Mask is one of the more underrated and overlooked mainstream movies in terms of GIMP Yes! I knew it was someone on this forum who steered me to this movie, but I couldnt determine who it was that I should credit. I looked high and low for this flick, and boy, am I glad I found it! So thanks, man. It sure would be great to find more movies like this. Maybe Italian films are a treasure trove. Ralphus: I think [Romina] Mondello is positively stunning; she rings my bell big time. Im there, dude. In the top left segment of that pic, she looks the part of a perfect damsel-in-distress even though shes not naked, I love that picture. Id like to edit out the pig, enlarge the image, frame it, and hang it on my wall. ------- Covers: I could also provide some of my favorite man's adventure cover scans from my collection to Ralphus if he is interested in using them in this forum. I would enjoy that immensely. I visit your site every day. Great stuff! ------- Eda: Thanks for the tips about those stories of yours. I hope to check them out soon. ------- Anyone know where this picture of Carmen Electra comes from? Looks like a spoof of King Kong. |
Tuesday, July 13th 2010 - 07:08:16 PM
Name: | Hank |
Homepage URL: | |
Yik Yakker: That scene was from a 2006 flick called 'Date Movie', as I recall it was a spoof of 'King Kong'. Hank |
Tuesday, July 13th 2010 - 08:03:24 PM
Name: | John Galt |
I was in a nostalgic mood and decided to pop in a video of The Avengers from 1965, the first Diana Rigg season, which was still in black and white. I managed to get to the second episode, The Gravediggers, before I was reminded once again why I loved this show so much. Mrs Peel is tied to a train track and cloth gagged with an engine bearing down on her. I'm not sure, but I think maybe The Avengers and Mrs Peel first made me realize how exciting it was seeing a hot chick in bondage. I was 10 at the time. You know, you just don't see stuff like this on TV any more. I think I'll take the time this summer to re-watch all of the Mrs Peel episodes, since I have them on video. If I had the energy, I would digitize them. Alas, I do not. But I might just digitize and vidcap the nice bondage bits. For posterity. It might be interesting to see if there are actually that many great scenes, or if I am glorifying the show in my memories. |
Tuesday, July 13th 2010 - 09:44:21 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
I see Video Mayhem is now selling Slave Town 2, with Maria Ozawa. Ralphus was a bit jarred when I gave this film an A- in my review earlier this year, although my sense was that Hiccup was in some agreement with my assessment. Perhaps we'll hear what others think. As I mentioned in my review, this film is somewhat unique for an Attackers movie as much of the dialogue is in English, particularly the lines delivered by Maria. |
Tuesday, July 13th 2010 - 10:34:01 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Hank:Thanks for identifying the picture for me. There are a lot of things Id be willing to do to see Carmen Electra in a leopard-print bikini tied up and molested by a giant ape. But if the poor reviews are any indication, sitting through Date Movie should not be one of them. Still, it might make for an amusing clip. |
Wednesday, July 14th 2010 - 08:20:18 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
John Galt wrote: I'm not sure, but I think maybe The Avengers and Mrs Peel first made me realize how exciting it was seeing a hot chick in bondage. I was 10 at the time. I think you're maybe a bit older than me, since I missed 'The Avengers' when I was growing up, and didn't discover the series until much later on video. The show you mentioned with Mrs. Peel tied to the railroad tracks is my favorite episode, too. The producers of the show knew they had a hot ticket in Emma Peel (her character's name was a play on words, originally meant to have 'man appeal', eventually shortened to 'M. Appeal.') and they also knew the power of the damsel in distress. She got tied up a lot on that show. I haven't seen them all but Brian's Page lists her as having 20 bondage scenes during the show's run. Then of course, there was that episode where she didn't get tied up but she wore that memorable outfit and got chased around with a whip. Another good episode I liked is entitled 'A Surfeit Of H20' where she's tied to a large hydraulic press and it's compressing her body so tightly that she can barely breathe. Some great tortured close-ups of her face in that one. To this day, I'm pretty sure she was the first bondage fantasy girl of a lot of middle-aged men. Anybody else have any memories of what first made you realize you had the fetish? |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 01:35:51 AM
Name: | Eda |
E-mail address: | |
To J and Ralphus: Thank you both for the compliment (she's 'opinionated and quite a handful'). I looked in my 'Man to Woman' translator book, which confirms that, when a man calls a woman 'opinionated,' he means 'intelligent' and that 'quite a handful' means 'independent.' Intelligent and independent. Yes, I like that. [Sorry, guys. There is no 'Woman to Man' translator book because what we mean varies entirely depending on the situation, whereas men always mean the same thing regardless of the situation.] Oh, Ralphus warned me that, unless I add 'LOL' to my posts, most men aren't sharp enough to figure out when I'm being serious and when I'm not. [He said that, not me.] So 'LOL' (maybe). |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 02:13:31 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
I'm not sure what gave me my first 'John Willie' but the The Mongols, with two whipping scenes, stands out in my mind. Jack Palance to Anita Ekberg: I'll show you how I tame a wildcat!' *crack* ------- Eda: In my translation book, the juxtaposition of 'opinionated' and 'quite a handful' comes out as 'sexy bitch'. |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 06:45:50 AM
Name: | Mr.? |
Homepage URL: | |
Hi y´all, Just stopping in to see if anyone has been into Anyone collecting? I never really know what other fans are saying about it. |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 11:48:26 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Eda wrote: Oh, Ralphus warned me that, unless I add 'LOL' to my posts, most men aren't sharp enough to figure out when I'm being serious and when I'm not. [He said that, not me.] So 'LOL' (maybe). Given Ralphus's Clinton-like tastes in women (eg., Amber Bliss), it may also be helpful if we had an acronym to help clarify when the little guy is being serious. |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 05:24:27 PM
Name: | Ironman |
E-mail address: | |
greetings all It was 'The Avengers' that first made me realize I was a sick fuck. I do remember the episode with the press and getting off on it at an early age. My favorite was the one where the inquisitor general had Emma's bare feet in the stocks and was going to burn them with an iron. There was a nice long buildup as he pumped the bellows to heatup the fire. I still have a color version in my comps. Eda: I really love your stories...good job! I think they have just the right mix of story and action. Those are my favorite settings as well. Many would-be stories out there go overboard. You know the vic could not withstand the tortures that they are subjected to...spoils the whole thing. Sometimes you need to stop and apply your geometry skills to try and figure out an apparatus or position and it can be a real buzz kill. Keep up the good work later |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 10:32:14 PM
Name: | Iago |
An internet czar-cop. You guys crack me up. You also need to read more history. Any time a minority interest goes against the public majority, in pretty much any country, it gets squashed. Ralphus has the right of it. We aren't the majority. According to Caroline, we're even fading within our own counterculture, as dominated males are growing in popularity. Any time anything having to do with censorship, policing or any other type of regulation turns an eye towards our activities we get hurt. Under the radar is the place to be. Eda, you make an interesting argument about free speech. However, there is the balancing act of protecting the public from harmful influences. We have a lot of factions in this country. everything from full-blown hedonists to ultra-conservatives. Conservatives see us as potentially dangerous, and really who can blame them? We get off on people doing bad things to women, even if only in the movies. To someone that isn't us, that can look pretty creepy. Scary. Potentially very dangerous. Especially since a lot of serial killers and other violent offenders like this very same stuff. You rarely find them with a shelf full of 'Little House on the Prairie' DVDs, after all. No, we keep a low profile, share our thoughts and movie reviews, and try not to get noticed. The first amendment has, and will continue, to offer scant comfort to us. Peace, Iago |
Thursday, July 15th 2010 - 11:28:19 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
A Canadian wrote: Given Ralphus's Clinton-like tastes in women (eg., Amber Bliss)... There you go again, ragging on Amber Bliss. That's your favorite hobby, isn't it? Right next to messin' with Sasquatch. Amber Bliss may not be traditionally beautiful, but I think she's kinda pretty. She's got a slim body, no tattoos and long red hair. I dig redheads. And she plays a helluva victim. She looks good when she's tied up and suffering. That counts a lot in my book. And even you admitted she stole Goon Squad 2 away from an actress named...gosh, what was her name again? Oh yeah, Lisa Kinkaid, who I think you have a little bit of a crush on. ---------------- Ironman: Your recollection of 'The Avengers' as the show that made you realize you were a sick fuck gave me an idea. Since the Love Letters of a Portuguese Nun series is over, we need something to replace at the top of the site. While I toyed with the idea of doing a month long celebration of Amber Bliss in bondage, I came up with a better idea. We'll tie this in with our latest poll. GIMP POLL: Yeah, we've done a version of this question before, but this one will be a bit different because it's interactive. Since this board belongs to all of you, you can help me out by choosing our daily picture. I have literally thousands of vidcaps from movies and TV at my disposal, so if you can come up with an answer, I'm going to try to highlight your choice as our picture of the day. I had stills from Ironman's Avengers episode and I'll bet I can fill most of your requests. And if I can't, I'll totally refund the entire price you paid to come here. That's right, my Ralphus Money Back Guarantee. This one could be fun. And I know everyone here will admit there was something in their childhood or as an early adult that made them realize they were...wired differently. This is a discussion forum, so by all means, discuss. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 01:07:24 AM
Name: | Omar605 |
The first time a movie making me realize I had 'the fetish' was a movie called Vice Squad. I remember the evil pimp character, Ramrod having a girl tied to a chair, then heating up a wire hanger and branding her with it and getting very turned on by it. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 01:51:53 AM
Name: | Scot |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Re the GIMP Poll: I always enjoyed watching the perils of the delectable Emma Peel in The Avengers, but what really did it for me was The Mongols, starring Jack Palance. The scene of Anita Ekberg using enhanced interrogation techniques on the lovely Antonella Lualdi made me realize that a beautiful woman can be especially appealing when she's tied arms-over-head, stripped to the waist, and whipped on her bare back. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 04:48:22 AM
Name: | Sardu |
Got to chime in on this one. As a very young boy I distinctly remember my fascination with Phyllis Kirk, manacled naked about to have hot wax poured on her by a deformed Vincent Price in the 1953 version of 'House of Wax.' Oh, how sexy her feet looked manacled and pointed as she struggled and screamed for lift. The implied nudity was very sexy as well. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 08:59:15 AM
Name: | Linda r |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
For me, it was 'The Tower of London' with Vincent Price. The part when Vinnie goes down to the dungeon and stretches Mistress Shaw on the rack. That was the moment when I became a rack-fanatic. For my husband, it was a magic show called 'The World of Alakazam' with Mark Wilson.They did the 'sawing a woman in half' trick, and he said that when they locked the woman's feet in stocks, then removed her slippers and tickled her bare feet...well, it took him two hours to clean the ceiling. I was eleven, and he was six. ;-) |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 09:52:38 AM
Name: | John Galt |
I definitely would have to give Emma Peel and The Avengers credit for kick starting my GIMP-age. But I watched a LOT of old B&W horror and sci-fi flicks during Friday night 'Creature Features' type shows that featured back-to-back cheesy flicks. (Precursors to USA Networks' 'Up All Night.') Many of them had brief scenes of damsels in distress, but trying to single one out as an Intro to GIMP is hard. Both House of Wax (mmm, Phyllis Kirk's naked feet) and Vice Squad (although Season Hubley tied spread-eagled to the bed was the better scene to me) were stand-out examples, but came along later for me. There was this one movie, though. I spent some time trolling IMDB and decided it was Blood of Dracula's Castle. I recall it featured women chained in a dungeon, and it had a burning at the stake bit. It had John Carradine as a crazy and perverted butler who took lots of pleasure leering at the helpless and implied-naked women. He might even have torn the clothing off the gal tied to the stake. I don't think the movie was all that great overall, and maybe my bar was set so low at the time that I am giving it much greater credit than it is due. But my memories of being, umm, stimulated by the chained girls and the burning at the stake are pretty vivid in retrospect. I found this website with pictures that seems to confirm some of my memories. I thought there was more than one woman chained to the dungeon wall but maybe I'm conflating it with other flicks in my fevered memories. The pictures were not selected by a GIMP fan, alas. But since it had a stake burning scene, maybe Ralphus remembers it. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 10:30:40 AM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
The Interactive Poll Question: As I have mentioned in the past, I never experienced a moment of revelation. I suppose I run the risk of having lived an unexamined life but I prefer to sleep in on the weekends. Perhaps it's because I don't belong to the BDSM community, and perhaps it's also because I didn't have much access to bondage materials when I was younger -- but I never really thought I was much different from anyone else. For years, I had always assumed everyone (well, the males, at any rate) enjoyed seeing women tied up and enjoyed stuff like the rape scene in A Clockwork Orange. As I say, because I'm not part of the BDSM community, I didn't really discuss my assumptions with people and I guess I didn't come across any reasons to question them. I didn't fully appreciate how we GIMPers are different from others until I joined this forum and learned about the anquish some people had experienced as young GIMPers. And then, a few years later, I joined YouTied and met my BFFs Bondage Dave and Hobra (insert an 'LOL' here), who seemed to have some issues with the videos posted by myself and others. Anyway, when I was young, I enjoyed seeing Batgirl tied up. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 10:50:38 AM
Name: | Scot |
E-mail address: | |
A Canadian: We ALL enjoyed seeing Batgirl (Yvonne Craig) tied up! She was a real cutie. She showed quite a bit of her smoking hot dancer body in the Star Trek ep Whom Gods Destroy. No bondage in that one, unfortunately -- but she looked great with green skin! John Galt: Your memories of Al Adamsons schlock masterpiece Blood of Draculas Castle are correct. That picture had at least four or five women chained up in a dungeon. Actually, you could say the bondage scenes featured a gratuitous vampire movie. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 12:26:51 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
Scot wrote: We ALL enjoyed seeing Batgirl (Yvonne Craig) tied up! She was a real cutie. She showed quite a bit of her smoking hot dancer body in the Star Trek ep Whom Gods Destroy. No bondage in that one, unfortunately -- but she looked great with green skin! Agreed. I'm a fan of Orion slave girls -- particularly ones who are 'well coordinated.' |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 12:47:21 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Nice response on the poll so far. I knew this one would bring people out. Omar605 wrote: The first time a movie making me realize I had 'the fetish' was a movie called Vice Squad. I remember the evil pimp character, Ramrod having a girl tied to a chair, then heating up a wire hanger and branding her with it and getting very turned on by it. Wow, I saw Vice Squad and do NOT remember that scene at all! I love chair ties, and of course, any kind of burning torture. I kept the scene with 'Ginger' (who I later found out was MTV VJ Nina Blackwood, remember her?) tied to a bed and threatened with the wire hanger, but I'll be damned if I recall that other scene. Brian's Page doesn't even mention it, either. I'll grab it from Netflix and see if I can cap it. ---------------- Sardu: Yep, I just mentioned Phyllis Kirk's House of Wax bondage scene the other day when I was commenting on YikYakker's review of The Wax Mask. Remember that one when I was a boy. Pretty hot stuff back then. It turned out to be among the very first scenes I collected years later (and one of the oldest movies) when I started making my own compilation tapes. ---------------- Linda R: The Tower of London...good choice. Vincent Price again. What mainstream actor played the bad guy in movies where women were tied up more than Vincent Price? I think I have about 5 Vincent Price movies in my collection. ---------------- John Galt: Scot beat me to it, but yeah, lots of chained babes in Blood of Dracula's Castle. And your memories of the stakeburning scene was correct as well. She gets her clothing ripped off in the long shot, but when they cut back to her in the close up, you can see she's still wearing clothes! Editing mistake. Oh well. Keep the memories coming. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 12:56:01 PM
Name: | Baron von Folter |
E-mail address: | folter666@verizon,net |
GIMP POLL: Is there a single movie, TV show, comic book, whatever...that made you realize you had the fetish? The movie that awakened 'the fetish' was 'Sudan' a 1945 movie staring Maria Montez. I know this is going to 'date' me but even as old as I am I could not have possibly seen it in first run. I saw the movie around the late sixties when I lived in France on Belgium TV but I had also seen it earlier but I do not remember where or when. It will be interesting to see if Ralphus comes up with pics from this one. I do have a video clip and some stills from the movie. Baron von Folter |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 01:35:40 PM
Name: | Baron von Folter |
E-mail address: | |
This is a small thing but in an earlier post I wrote that I saw 'Sudan' on Belgium TV. The old neurons kicked in and I remembered it was on Luxembourg TV. Baron von Folter |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 02:26:39 PM
Name: | Brutus |
GIMP Poll: For me it was Daphne from Scooby-Doo chair-tied and OTM gagged in the show 'Which Witch is Which?' I mentioned this before, and it led to a weird self-analysis on my part, so I'll leave it at that. I'll just say that it's interesting to compare that Saturday morning cartoon scene to the exploding ballgags, relentless whippings, electro-shock tortures, brutal rapes and vibrators shoved up women's asses that turn me on now. ---------- Vice Squad: I watched this movie a bunch of times and can safely describe the scenes from memory as: Ginger (Nina Blackwood) is a hooker fleeing from her abusive pimp Ramrod (Wings Hauser) who sweet talks her into unlocking the door of her motel room, and then utters the memorable line: 'I cannot believe how stupid you are.' He stuff gags her with a white hanky and uses a wire hanger to secure her hands over her head on a bed. He then rips down her stockings one by one and uses them creatively to tie her ankles so she's in a lower spread-eagle. He lashes her with another hanger. It turns out he whipped her entire body, resulting in her death. Unfortunately, Ginger remained clothed throughout her ordeal and her entire body on the bed was not really shown. The second scene of note is after Ramrod captures another hooker, Princess (Season Hubley), who had set him up. Her face is bloodied and she ends up tied spread-eagle with leather manacles to a bed. Ramrod uses a knife to cut away her clothing so her black bra and panties, plus garter belt are shown. He lashes her once with a wire hanger before the cops spoil the fun. Great reactions and despair on Season Hubley's part. And Wings Hauser is an excellent villain. Purely evil and sadistic. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 02:37:12 PM
Name: | Boz |
E-mail address: | |
My fetish was definitely as a result of The Avengers. I had a recollection of Honor Blackman bound and gagged but I was very young and didn't realise what the programme was. I took more interest when Diana Rigg became Emma Peel and that's where it all began for me. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 03:27:01 PM
Name: | Badger |
Great Poll Question. It made be realize how latent (but lurking) my interest in GIMP was until I was into adulthood. I remember as a kid (perhaps 12) flipping through a cheap Detective magazine and being drawn to a picture of a women tied up in her slip and kneeling in the woods. Thought it odd. Many years later Emma Peel certainly caught my attention. But I think it was 'Ginger' in 1971 who sealed the deal. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 05:32:59 PM
Name: | Rick |
Homepage URL: | |
FREEDOM WINS!!!!! I just wanted to share some good news with you! Every once in a while, the good guys win. It may not be complete victory, but we'll take it. Congrats to 'Stag' for taking it to the man and beating the man at his own sad game. No, it's not a bondage case per se, but any case they win is one more bit of freedom lost. Anyway, this is a fine day for freedom! Have a great weekend Gimpers! Rick ZFX |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 06:40:11 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Baron von Folter: Fear not friend, you are not the oldest poster here. Read on... ------- Lots of interesting responses to the poll question. I weighed in earlier with The Mongols before the poll officially went up, but subsequent posts have brought back a lot of (admittedly hazy) memories... Another good source of early GIMP experiences was the plethora of Italian sword-and-sandal B movies cranked out in the early 60s, surrounding such legends as Hercules or the son of Hercules (Maciste). They featured some really fine damsels-in-distress played by European hotties of the era, like Sylva Koscina. Theyre all sloshed together in my mind now, but one scene in particular that I remember involved a captured maiden who was placed in a standing position behind a roaring bonfire. The hero was made to shoot an arrow through the bonfire and hit a target without killing the babe. So he lets the arrow fly, and it just grazes the metal shoulder clasp that holds up her tunic. As a result, the garment falls down, which would have exposed the beauty...except that we only get to see a distorted picture of her through the bonfire. Well, thats the way it was in the early 60s. I still think it was a pretty cool would be great to see an update of that in modern GIMP style. Maybe somebody out there knows what movie Im referring to. ------- This came much later in my GIMP experiences, but when I was a college student, I was fortunate enough to catch, on a local stations Saturday night horror flick, the uncut version of Night of the Sorcerors. Wow, somebody at the studio was asleep at the switch that night (probably literally). I was both shocked and wildly turned on...until then, I had never seen such egregious GIMPage on TV (actually hardly anybody did, because it was before cable). Still have warm feelings for that flick.. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 07:15:35 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Brutus: Daphne from Scooby-Doo was hot, but I was older by that time. In my pre-teens, I watched a Gerry and Sylvia Anderson sci-fi show called Fireball XL-5, done in cutting-edge 'Supermarionation.' It was a puppet show. (They went on to do Thunderbirds, which was more widely seen in the US, I think. I was living in England at the time.) Anyway, in one memorable episode, the bad guy had strapped hot-looking female puppet Venus (hey! I was 8 or 9 at the time!) onto a slab underneath a telescope or some similar magnifying device in the middle of the night and left her there, so that when the sun rose and reflected through the device it would burn her alive. They even applied drops of sweat to her pretty puppet face as she struggled. At the time, I realized that was pretty awesome, but I didn't really put it all together until a year or so later. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 08:17:40 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Venus of Fireball XL-5: Marionette and GIMPette. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 09:22:30 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Here's a Washington Post story about the Stagliano case. As Rick said, it's not a complete victory, but it is good news. Thanks to Rick for alerting us to this development and congratulations to John Stagliano and company. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 09:38:03 PM
Name: | Ironman |
E-mail address: | |
I swear Ralphus, I sometimes wonder if there's anything that you can't pull from your haversack! Your collection must be incredible. Another scene (although brief) was the glowing iron held close to Natalie Wood's knockers in 'The Great Race'. I probably wouldn't have thought of it but I happened to catch it on cable last week. BTW-Sorry to have been away for so long but I had a serious illness which culminated in heart failure. I feel great now but for a while, all my routines were disrupted. |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 11:00:55 PM
Name: | Chris |
E-mail address: | |
Poll Ques: I can think of several damsels growing up, but one that stands out is Christine MacIntyre from several Three Stooges shorts |
Friday, July 16th 2010 - 11:04:40 PM
Name: | Matt |
E-mail address: | |
Poll Q: I guess it's two movies that hooked me onto GIMP. First, it was Lisa Eichhorn in Opposing Force, having a SERE exercise go way, way, BAD. Second, it was Cheri Caffaro in Ginger, which I didn't discover until my Sophomore year in College (1991). The rest, as they say, is history. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 12:35:40 AM
Name: | Thawkinsworth |
E-mail address: | |
I found this clip on Youtube yesterday and wanted to share. I have no idea what this is from, but it is really good. Only things that could have made it better would have been topless bondage and a more delayed (or not at all) rescue. But this looks like a mainstream show, and for that, this is about as good as it gets. Great build up here towards the second victim, and decent off-screen screams from the first. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 12:43:37 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Rick: Thanks for alerting the forum about the John Stagliano case. Any way you slice it, this is good news. Canadian's link gave a few more details. The quote in there that was significant was 'This case was the tail end of Bush administration obscenity prosecutions. Now it remains to be seen whether the Obama administration makes enforcement a priority.' Already, there have been fewer than half as many obscenity cases in Obama's first year compared to what we saw the final year Bush was in power. It's not likely this administration is going to waste the Department of Justice's resources by going after porn, at least not to the extent that the Party of Censorship did during their 8 years. It still sucks that in this day and age, anyone could potentially be sent to jail for multiple years for making a movie in which both parties consent. And even if you win, you still lose because the government has deep pockets and they can drain you dry. Let's hope the days of needless prosecutions of the adult industry are on the wane. I have faith that our President has more important things to tackle than going after what people watch in the privacy of their own homes. ---------------- Brutus: Thanks for the recap of the goings-on in Vice Squad. So are you saying you don't recall a branding scene with a wire hanger involving a girl tied to a chair like Omar605 described? Brian's Page has a term called 'scene creep', where you mis-remember a scene, usually improving upon it in the process. In this case, I saw the movie and don't remember that scene at all, and it's the kind of the scene I definitely WOULD remember. ---------------- Ironman wrote: I swear Ralphus, I sometimes wonder if there's anything that you can't pull from your haversack! Your collection must be incredible. Well, I have the whole Hank Hobbs collection, which helps a lot. I have most of the Movie Fan collection, and he did both movie and TV bondage. I have over 500 caps from the Abond series, which preceded both of them. And I collect stills from various other sources, plus I now have the ability to make my own caps. You can accumulate a lot of material if you're on the Internet for 13 years and you know the right places to look. BTW, sorry to hear about your health problems. Hope you're back healthy now and will be with us here for years to come. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 01:01:40 AM
Name: | Ironman |
E-mail address: | |
I have 'Vice Squad' in my comps and I only remember the two scenes of coat hanger beatings. Yes, that was hot, hot, hot. It's funny, looking back, I used to spend an hour at video stores reading covers and I would rent the 5 that most likely contained something GIMP. I had exactly 22 minutes to FF thru them, locate any scenes, jerk off, and clear it all away before my wife got home from work. I had to wait until after she went to bed to copy them. It was on the same trip as 'Vice Squad' that I found one called 'The Clairvoyant' that showed a naked woman tied spread-eagle to a bed and burned with cigarettes. Does anyone remember that one? Just a little tidbit, I chose my screen name not from the comic-cum-movie character and not even from the Black Sabbath song. It came from a time when I had to come up with a password with at least 6 letters and a numeral. 'Ironman 1' came to mind from the movie 'Marooned'. When I found the GIMP it was perfect as it referenced 'iron fetters'. Just thought I'd share that since I'm feeling chatty. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 07:28:11 AM
Name: | Dr Yuya |
I've stated this before and it's still held true as one of my favorite scenes of all time, the scene in the animated movie Heavy Metal where Taarna is tied naked to a rack and whipped. Funny with all the hentai available and stuff from Giga/Zen, it's still one of my favorite animated or heroine in peril scenes. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 09:01:27 AM
Name: | Edgeworthy |
E-mail address: | |
Don't make me Unleash the Flying Monkeys |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 09:17:55 AM
Name: | Edgeworthy |
E-mail address: | |
How about the Wonder Woman episode with the thought guided missile. I know everyone goes on about the one with her being racked by the Nazis ... but in this one she is chained Spread-eagled on the floor of a jail cell, and of course Lynda Carter is practicing her deep breathing as if it were an olympic event |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 09:24:26 AM
Name: | M. Wryter |
E-mail address: | |
Nice question and a fair one. For me I was 8 and had found in the basement of our house an old 'mans mag', not even sure of the name now. Anyway I flipped through it and about mid part of the mag there was a B&W drawing of a female on her back, her blouse torn exposing part of a very ample breast, her skirt had ridden well up exposing the tops of her stockings, and a hint of black lace panties. She was on the floor on her back, her wrists shackled to the floor the look of sheer horror on her pretty face as the man dressed in black was on one knee beside her a scalpel in his hand and on a tray several other sharp implements. There was a small cut line beside the pic alluding to the fact that ' the ' monster' had taken her from the street and brought her to his room of horrors to savor her screams and sobbing pleas.' It was to say the least for an 8 year old riveting stuff. I kept the mag in the basement tucked away for those 'special moments' of private time where I could freely look and try and understand the change that was going on in me from seeing it. Have been a ardent follower of arousing smut ever since as it's just so dammed well arousing. Anyway that's my story and I am sticking to it.......winks |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 09:47:22 AM
Name: | John Galt |
Ironman: I have that movie on DVD with the title, The Killing Hour. It made such an impression on me that I tracked it down years ago. Although the movie itself is a lackluster thing, the rape and murder scene from it still blows me away. No in-the-room sound or dialogue at all, just a thrumming, ominous theme as the four guys handcuff a slender, hot, dark-haired beauty and belt her cuffed hands to the headboard. It's pretty clear she was hired for sex, but becomes afraid and agitated almost immediately as she is handled roughly. She is forced to give oral sex and as I re-watched it just now, I was surprised to see the guy's cock in the scene. She is held down, burned with a cigarette (you only see her scream in pain), and then while one (or maybe two) guys hold her feet down and apart, another guy crawls on top of her and fucks her hard, then puts a pillow over her face to muffle her screams, which ends up suffocating her. It is an incredible scene, although it is composed of camera pans, so it is impossible to get any decent vidcaps showing her fully bound or being raped. Typically, the camera shows her struggling handcuffed wrists, then moves down to her face and bare breasts, but by then the handcuffed wrists are out of shot. I would have greatly enjoyed a few full-length shots. But I did my best to capture the essence of the scene. If I had seen this as a pre-teen, my penis would have exploded. That post about heart trouble had me thinking you used the Marvel comics Ironman as a namesake, although I had always kind of thought it was the masculine take on, say, an Iron Maiden torture device. Ironman 1 from Marooned works, too. I enjoy the chatty little biographical bits. * * * * * You know, reading through these most recent posts makes me think of a bunch of people sitting around in a psychotherapy circle relating childhood experiences in an effort to figure out the seminal events that manifest in adult personality traits. However, it does not make me wonder why I have a few socially unacceptable sexual or entertainment preferences. Instead, it almost makes me wonder how everyone else could have seen those same things and repressed those feelings. I feel much better acknowledging my guilty pleasures and sharing them with like-minded folks rather than worrying that there might be something 'wrong' with me. Some people pay a lot of money for this kind of group therapy and affirmation, you know. We get it for free. And with pictures. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 11:23:05 AM
Name: | Wytchfinder |
E-mail address: | |
'The Perils of Pauline', a serial, where Pauline was always left in some sort of difficult situation, usually tied up, or in the clutches of a villain. We kids always tied up the girls (who also were into the movie scene) and pretended to torture /whip them. Adults stopped the play after they saw a few episodes acted out..ha ha. Anyway, it was Pauline who got me interested in this fetish. Blame her! Punish her! Put her to the question! Wytchfinder |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 12:25:26 PM
Name: | Toby |
When I was 15 I came across the comic book version of 'Barbarella' and that did it. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 01:26:09 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
It's hard to pinpoint a particular environmental GIMP influence from my youth because the earliest bondage fantasy I can recollect occurred when I was seven years old. I won't go into detail but the fantasy involved three girls in my second-grade class, two of whom were twin sisters. Why no detail? Because I don't want to risk getting this site shut down. I'll just say that it was pretty extreme. So what could a seven-year-old have been exposed to that would bring on such proclivities? Damned if I know. This was during the rigidly sanitized 1950s, and I grew up in a traditional Catholic family. Seems like confirmation that it's more genetically-determined than culturally-influenced. In my own mind, such inclinations did not seem 'abnormal.' Fortunately, I kept them to myself, or there would have been some serious trouble. ------- Pirate movies were often source materials for images of GIMPage in my early years. I have a hazy memory of seeing a maiden tied to a ship's mast. It could have been Brenda Marshall (see URL) in The Sea Hawk (1940) with Errol Flynn. No, I did not see it as a first-run movie in theaters, it was on TV. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 01:38:42 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Or maybe it was Maureen O'Hara, again with Errol Flynn, in Against All Flags (1952). |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 01:50:43 PM
Name: | John Galt |
YikYakker: Great picture of Venus in bondage. Thanks. I found the Fireball XL-5 episode I was remembering in four parts on YouTube. (The Venus GIMP stuff is in Part 3 and Part 4.) Okay, so it doesn't do as much for me today as it did when my age was in single digits, but it was still good GIMP for a puppet show. It was also nice to see that I correctly remembered the sweat. Wonder if this is why I like my damsels in distress coated in a gleaming layer of nervous perspiration? |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 02:29:03 PM
Name: | MAV |
I guess we're all dating ourselves here, so here goes me: First time I remember realizing I liked GIMP was watching cartoons-first Lady Jay and Scarlett, then the busty April O'Neill. I don't think I graduated until I saw Fever and Diplomatic Immunity on HBO, which got me started collecting scenes at that point. USA Network's late night weekend movies fed my appetite with movies like SHE and Mankillers. Then I found my initial Holy Grail at the video store-Barbarian Queen 2. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 04:27:28 PM
Name: | shankster |
I think my mom drank a lot and ate acid when she was pregnant with me, and dropped me on my head a few times for good measure. but I think I turned out OK....Really! I am! But I think my first hint that I had a kink was somewhere around age 8 or 9, I saw a movie I believe was titled 'Viking Women and the Sea Serpent' or something like that. Hell, it was a long time ago. Anyway, there was a BATS scene toward the end that got me real excited even though the blonde chick at the stake that got my attention was rescued. Since then, several other movies, books, comics, etc....that featured BATS would result in an immediate stiffy. I used to feel ashamed and guilty about it until I got older and realized I was not alone, that this was actually a fairly common fetish. Then I discovered the internet and.....Well, the rest is history! My lovely wife is even aware (to some extent) of my kink and has even recorded shows for me she thought I would be interested in. (knowing she would reap the benefits later that night) I'm comfortable with my perverted self now and since its all just harmless fantasy, its nobody else's business. I lurk here and read a lot Ralphus, and don't post much unless I have something constructive to say. But I really do enjoy and appreciate the forum. Thanks. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 06:03:50 PM
Name: | Jerry |
E-mail address: | |
I have a particular interest in the milk-swollen breasts of nursing moms being in merciless peril. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 07:09:36 PM
Name: | Tony Foote |
E-mail address: | |
While I did enjoy The Avengers, Batman, etc, they came along a few years too late to have been what gave me the fetish for bondage. By then I already knew. Growing up I read Superman comic books. The random Lois, Lana or Lucy in distress scene was probably what piqued my interest at too young an age to understand what it was all about. Other influences were the Sons of Hercules movies that played at the local theatre as well as the pulp covers of men's magazines on display at the drug stores. |
Saturday, July 17th 2010 - 10:10:05 PM
Name: | DHT |
My big bondage initiation moments were when I was very little, like 3 or 4, and they used to re-run the Mickey Mouse Club. They had a segment about a cowgirl, and in one episode some villains had her tied to a tree and gagged. Next up was probably Charlene Tilton on Dallas. Actually, I think the first thing about her was when some bad guys were planning to kidnap a Ewing and they were looking at slides of the family and saw hers and one guy said 'Whoah! Why don't we kidnap her?' And I remember saying to everyone in the room, 'Yeah! They should!' and getting a lot of odd looks. Then of course there were the episodes where she WAS tied up and gagged, and I always wondered if dudes had wrote in demanding it because of what the guy said. Then of course they re-ran the Batman episode where Batgirl is sitting tied up on the floor and Catwoman comes up and gags her. I watched that at my gramma's on Sunday when we were having a family get together and got so excited I ran outside when my aunts and uncles came and told them all about it. More odd looks ensued. Somewhere around that time were some Charlie's Angels letdowns, gagless scenes, but Kate Jackson was still way hot tied and blindfolded to that chair. Even though I always watched Wonder Woman, I missed all the episodes where she was gagged, and never saw those scenes until 20 years later through Brent Smith at Chivalry Video. Then when I was in third grade the Howling was on TV and they didn't really censor the bondage porno in the beginning, but maybe the replaced it with the tied and gagged woman wearing a shirt? I don't know, I always remembered her in a shirt until I was old enough to rent it and see for myself. Also in third grade, My dad took me to see Raiders of the Lost Ark. Something magical happened in that one, because I'd always been so let down when the hero saved the heroine, and this time he saves her, but then he re-gags her and leaves her there, still tied up! Awesome. I don't think I saw any other scenes at the theater until I saw Dune when I was 13. OK, when the Harkonned guy spits on Francesca Annis's face and she's wearing that strap-gag, I almost lost it in my shorts. Also around this time Stephanie Kramer in Hunter being T&G was my regular fantasy. Another notable movie is one of my all-time favorites, Kate Hodge in Leatherface, because they paid so much attention to gagging her, good close-ups, she was sweet and hot as hell, and it was a VERY long scene. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 04:54:08 AM
Name: | Jake |
Homepage URL: | |
When I first discovered this forum a few years back Ralphus kindly put up a GIMP Poll based on my question about how we all got started in this bondage/torture/female submission fetish. Inherently we GIMPers know that we're outside the cultural/sexual 'norm' when we admit that the giving and/or receiving of pain turns us on, both men and women, and it intrigues us to know where this comes from. Here, I'm not talking to people who try BDSM as a trendy 'sexual experiment', but to those of us who know the breathtaking excitement of the pain turn-on because for us it is the ONLY turn-on. For me the female body is the most beautiful thing in the world, but it REALLY turns me on to see that beauty tied tight and made helpless with ropes or straps, the mouth gagged and whimpering, the eyes wide with fear as I tighten the pliers on her nipple. That exquisite moment when you force her surrender - you make her submit - and then you squeeze the pliers and she screams into her gag. Those of us who want to squeeze the pliers and those of us who want to scream know only that it is the ultimate release - fantasy fulfilled, desire satiated, the mind/body problem solved forever! So where does it start? In a previous post I remembered an advertising photo I saw in one of my father's Motoring magazines when I was about 6 or 7 (in the mid 60's). The picture showed a beautiful, unconscious, lingerie clad woman tied over the hood of a Land Rover as if she'd been hunted and captured. I went back to look at that picture again and again and again (I can see it now!) At the time I didn't know it was 'sexual' - but I knew I had seen something that stirred me in a way that wasn't child-like. I can only surmise that I was hard-wired to respond. My father has no such feelings and I believe he would have found the image distasteful. Needless to say, it set me on a journey of discovery from then on. Ralphus, could you find a vidcap from the movie 'The Long Ships' when Richard Widmark bursts in on a girl bathing in a tub and forces a gag between her lips, before dragging her off to his ship as a sex slave? It's an exciting memory from my childhood! PS The above URL is for a lovely young woman who appears to be dipping her toe into our waters... |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 08:05:15 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Oh, man, I remember that scene with Sandra Knight, it's one of my earliest torture rack memories. Definitely a turn-on in my youth. Great pics. ------- Dr. Yuya: I go along with you on that Taarna whipping scene from Heavy Metal. The first time I saw that was on the big screen, and I thought I would have to leave the theater. Seems like it was sudden, unexpected aspect of it that really got me. In subsequent years, watching it while knowing what's coming doesn't have quite the same impact. Still a good scene, though - best part of the movie IMO. ------- Since we're in a traveling-down-memory-lane mode, I wonder if anyone out there has seen the The Haunted Palace with Vincent Price. The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking for any GIMPage involving the lovely '50s actress Debra Paget, and if there is such a thing, it may occur in that movie. I had a major crush on this babe in my youth, and if you watch the vid in my URL, you'll understand why (not GIMPage, but still cool). She may be best remembered as Joshua's sweetie Lilia in The Ten Commandments. She got her showbiz start as a teenager. She was a good dancer and had that exotic, dark-haired look that I dig. During the '50s, blonds were big, so she lost out on the lead role in Sheena, Queen of the Jungle (it went to blond Irish McCalla). At the age of 30 she married a millionaire and never made a movie after that. Good for her, sad for me and the rest of the world. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 10:03:10 AM
Name: | wlee |
E-mail address: | |
My first thrill at the movies of this time was in the movie THE ROBE. In the opening scene Marcus is walking through the slave market and a slave women is ordered to undo her robe for him. He spends some time visualizing her body. I dreamed about that for a long time. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 10:35:40 AM
Name: | Sloth |
E-mail address: | |
YikYakker - for some Debra Paget Gimpage try this one - 'Most Dangerous Man Alive' - she spends the last 20 minutes bound hand and foot, gagged and with a carry scene or two - seems she double crossed her gangster boyfriend who had been framed by his buddies and he's out for revenge - nothing more but the scenes are quite good - enjoy. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 12:42:18 PM
Name: | oldsarge |
E-mail address: | |
The first one I remember was Yvonne DeCarlo (most of you will know her as Lilly Munster) trying to hang herself in 'A Band of Angels'. This I saw as a first run movie at the very impresionable age of 10. It accounts for my never missing an episode of The Munsters. Next were numerous Serials at the Saturday Matinee, usually some pretty girl in various form of peril. Then there were characters on Television such as: Sky King's Niece, Penny who was always getting herself into some kind of Peril; Louis Lang on Superman, also often bound and gagged, this may be why I'm fond of long tight skirts; The heroines of numerous westerns, Tightly tied in their Bustle skirts and threatened with divers Perils. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 05:07:08 PM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Homepage URL: | |
Thawkinsworth: That was a very good YouTube clip, thank you. I've been waiting to see that one. Sardu posted about that episode back last November (Thank you, SEARCH THE GIMP!). It's from TV show 'Criminal Minds', Season 3, Episode 13, episode title: Limelight. It's currently in my Netflix queue. Best line from that clip is when he looks in the bound victim's face (after shocking the other girl) and tells her, 'I'm gonna take my time with you.' Love it. Only problem with that scene is that the electro torture was only implied, although she did a good job of screaming. I need to check that show out more. --------------- John Galt: Hank Hobbs posted caps and a clip recently on his group (URL above) from The Killing Hour. I've always been a fan of that scene, but what bothers me is that it's virtually silent (except for the music score). How much more exciting would it have been to hear her scream while the guy burns her with a cigarette and hear her reactions to being raped and suffocated while she was tied to the bed? Visually, the scene is an A but the lack of audio is a big caveat in my book. It's like watching those old HOM loops...something is missing. If this movie had used live sound, it could have been one of the greatest mainstream scenes of all time. --------------- Jake wrote: Ralphus, could you find a vidcap from the movie 'The Long Ships' when Richard Widmark bursts in on a girl bathing in a tub and forces a gag between her lips, before dragging her off to his ship as a sex slave? It's an exciting memory from my childhood! Not familiar with the movie or the scene, but Netflix has it, so I'll check it out and cap it for you. Keep tuning it everyday, I'm going to be highlighting your favorites as the daily pics. --------------- YikYakker: I've seen The Haunted Palace (yet another Vincent Price movie...gotta love that guy. He had to be one of us). And yes, there's is GIMPage for the lovely Deborah Paget. She's tied standing with her arms outstretched to a scaffold, about to be sacrificed to a demon-like creature below. Nothing bad ultimately happens to her but she does lots of nice screaming, and of course, she looks great. Here's some caps. |
Sunday, July 18th 2010 - 06:28:59 PM
Name: | Vince |
For me, what brought out the fetish was the TV series 'Bewitched' There may have been no overt sexual activity in that show, but there sure as Hell was a lot of subversive sexual symbolism. Even when I was a boy in single digit age, Elizabeth Montgomery made me want to pump her hard. Montgomery was never in bondage, but in those politically incorrect times, there were a few episodes in which she was being sexually harassed and chased, for laughs, that spurred my imagination and libido. It also helped that those were the later episodes when Montgomery wore mini-skirts highlighting her gorgeous legs. I had the hots for her so bad that I got a vicarious thrill when she played a rape victim in two TV movies wishing I was sticking her. Too bad she didn't have the opportunity in the late 60's or early 70's in which her body would have been put to good sexploitative use. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 12:25:58 AM
Death Scream Bloody Gore Aborted Sessions Blogspot
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Vince: Wait a minute. Elizabeth Montgomery never got tied up on 'Bewitched'? Are you sure? Then what's this from? |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 02:28:35 AM
Name: | John Galt |
Ralphus: Well, that certainly is a nice bondage photo of Elizabeth Montgomery, although I don't think it would have come from 'Bewitched.' That visible thigh-high is just not 60's sitcom safe. The lovely Elizabeth Montgomery has quite a lengthy filmography at IMDB, so maybe it is from something else. That is some complicated (but fine) rope work, and I cannot recall any rope work looking that realistic in anything on mainstream TV (or even movies, for that matter) back then. But you know, that picture kind of looks like a Photoshop product, to me. I'm just kind of surprised I haven't seen it before. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 08:48:39 AM
Name: | John Blakemore aka Coz |
No particular movie or TV show 'made' me the way I am. I remember that any movie showing torture made me 'feel funny' as far back as I was four years old. And it didn't matter at the time whether it was a male or female being tortured. Later only females being tortured turned me on. Ever since, I have been in a relentless search to find scenes of females in bondage and DiD situations. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 11:26:17 AM
Name: | Darkroom |
E-mail address: | |
I saw 'Jerrys' preferences of 'milk-swollen breasts in peril,' and I couldn't resist offering out this link. This gal gets her fun bags tied so tight the milk just squirts out. Hope the link works... |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 11:53:22 AM
Name: | John 'Coz' Blakemore |
Regarding the Elizabeth Montgomery question: I tried to find what, if any, movie or TV show that pic of her may have come from. Apparently there were some 'bondage' shots on Bewitched and a couple movies and other tv shows that she was tied and/or gagged in, but none fit the description or match up to that photo. I agree with Ralphus that the photo is a fake that has been photoshopped. If you look real closely at her hair, you can see how it doesn't quite blend in naturally with the background, but seems to be blended in. It's a very good job, but I think on close inspection that it is indeed a fake. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 12:34:48 PM
Name: | YikYakker |
Thawkinsworth: That was a great clip; made me want to go out and buy a van. And make a stop at the hardware store. ------- Ralphus and Sloth: Thanks for the tips and pics about Debra Paget in GIMPage. I will definitely check those out. I may have seen The Haunted Palace in my youth, but it would be nice to revisit. Most Dangerous Man Alive sounds interesting as well; that one may be a bit harder to track down but it sounds worth the effort. If memory serves (and it rarely does), Debra Paget had to be rescued twice in The Ten Commandmants once from an overly amorous Egyptian bigwig, and again from a riotous crowd of idol-worshipping Hebrews. Sounds like another investigative assignment. ------- John Galt: Blood from Draculas Castle was a boost to my GIMP-leaning tendencies as well. That scene where the guy runs his knife along the exposed areas of the girls body is seared into my brain. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 08:07:16 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
Homepage URL: | |
The Bewitched thing: Here's what actually happened -- Samantha was tied up by Mr. Tate after Uncle Arthur put a spell on everyone in Darrin's office that caused Darrin's co-workers to act out their favorite fantasies. Uncle Arthur was finally convinced to lift the spell and Samantha twitched her nose to make everyone forget the whole thing. But she forgot to cast a spell on Mrs. Kravitz's midget nephew, Ralphie, who was peeking outside the window (and is a pretty good photographer). Anyway, it all worked out with a happy ending, and Tabitha grew up to be a babe who eventually married a country singer. ----- I can't recall the issue, but National Lampoon ran a comic-book parody of Bewitched in the late '70s or early '80s that ended with Samantha and her mother being burned at the stake. I'm pretty sure both ladies had been stripped topless (and, fortunately, Endora was drawn to look more attractive than I remember her in the TV series). |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 08:09:59 PM
Name: | Brutus |
One thing I've noticed about all these old shows from my childhood is that they all seemed to have at least one episode with a woman tied up. You'd expect it from shows like Charlie's Angels, Wonder Woman, The Streets of San Francisco, Mannix, etc. But The Three Stooges, Gilligan's Island, Bewitched, Laverne and Shirley? I think this supports the theory that our fetish isn't so uncommon. ---------- Here's perhaps some good news about the remake of I Spit on Your Grave. This is part of the review from Bloody Disgusting: The pack decides to teach her a lesson that results in the 30-minute long rape sequence overseen by the town's sheriff (Andrew Howard). Jennifer narrowly escapes, only to return and exact her revenge. ... The rape sequence, while not as brutal or intense as the original's, is still quite a chore. From start to finish it's extremely uncomfortable, violent, lude and grotesque. It definitely makes you weep for mankind. They make her suck on the end of a pistol, call her their show horse (and make her show them her teeth), and take their turns raping and beating her. It feels like theres no end in sight, yet she manages to escape (barely). The reviewer, however, seemed more enthralled by the gore that comes when the rape victim exacts her revenge. Still, a 30-minute rape sequence is impressive for this day and age. ---------- There also seems to be potential, especially for rack-scene lovers, in an upcoming movie called Torture Chamber. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 11:14:24 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Brutus: I would love to be proven wrong, but I am going out on a limb right now and predicting no Jennifer nudity in the remake of I Spit on Your Grave. It just kind of has that feel to it, that it will feature a 30-minute rape sequence without any nudity. And you know what I mean by nudity. That rack picture from Torture Chamber looked like it has some real potential. If the rack is cranked fully, it looks like the gal's body will be lifted off of the bed and stretched in the air. That could be cool. Think that will happen? |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 11:42:08 PM
Name: | A Canadian |
I Spit on Your Dictionary: Unless the rapists force Jennifer to take some Quaaludes, I assume the reviewer from Bloody Disgusting meant to say the film is 'lewd.' Nonetheless, I do like the sound of that rape scene, even -- dare I say it -- if the nudity isn't explicit (implied, perhaps?). The part about making Jennifer suck on the end of a pistol sounds promising. |
Monday, July 19th 2010 - 11:51:03 PM
Name: | Brutus |
John Galt: Just did a bit of research on the Jennifer character in ISOYG and found this on an IMDb message board: I just got back from a test screening of the film, and sarah butler is completely nude for pretty much 90% of the rape scene. You see everything plain as day EXCEPT there is only one quick shot/camera pan of her crotch. But you see her butt and breasts plenty, if thats what you wanted to know. So there is some hope ... As for the rack in The Torture Chamber, I'll take a guess and predict the producers will screw up the application of the device and make the scenes unrealistic. When it comes to binding and torturing female victims, mainstream filmmakers these days don't seem that shrude ... er ... shrewd. |
Tuesday, July 20th 2010 - 01:02:02 AM
Name: | Ralphus |
E-mail address: | |
Brutus: Well, color me shocked. Like most everyone else here, I was expecting very little or no nudity in the remake of I Spit On Your Grave...and based on the message board post you mentioned, I'm still expecting that. Bottom line...IT WAS A TEST SCREENING! Which means like the poster commented, it will likely be edited down heavily before the movie hits theaters. That's typical of test screenings; they gauge the audience's reaction and then make changes if enough of them don't like something. And how many are going to be uncomfortable by a 30-minute rape scene? Oh, just about everyone except the pervs that inhabit this forum. The good news is that they at least shot a version with abundant nudity, which gives us a chance for an unrated DVD version sometime in the future. That part surprised me, because knowing how rape scenes are filmed in Hollywood these days, I feared the explicitness of the original would be severely toned down. It still might, but this is potentially promising news. I'm still looking forward to this, but I'm trying to set my expectations low. I'm loving all the reactions to the current poll question. Remember I'll be highlighting each of your choices as the daily picture at the top of the site. More interesting stuff to come, keep those memories coming. |
Tuesday, July 20th 2010 - 02:19:12 AM
Name: | YikYakker |
Homepage URL: | |
Since we're talking about I Spit on Your Grave, I just want to mention that today is Camille Keaton" s="" birthday.="" yes!="" Camille, wherever you are today, I hope you know that a lot of folks here will always have a warm feeling in their hearts and, er, other places, because of what you did and what you started. |
Tuesday, July 20th 2010 - 08:15:14 AM
Name: | Baron von Folter |
E-mail address: | |
While we are mentioning birthdays, today is Mrs. Peel' I mean Diana Rigg's birthday. Wow, 72. I wonder how well she has aged. Baron von Folter |
Tuesday, July 20th 2010 - 01:05:27 PM
Name: | John Galt |
Baron von Folter: Well, I'm not sure how current the photo is, but it is from a Dec 2009 BBC Program description featuring Dame Diana Rigg. I would say she looks older, but still very vital. Happy birthday, Diana Rigg. GIMPdom owes you a debt of gratitude. Curiously, while I was scouring the Internet for a current picture of Diana Rigg, I came across some alternate pictures of Emma Peel tied to the railroad tracks. In the television episode, she was tied lengthwise on the tracks. In these images, she is tied across the tracks. I guess maybe these are publicity stills. (My Internet sleuthing knows some limits, so I haven't investigated further, nor do I anticipate doing so.) How curious that they shot different tied-to-the-train-tracks bondage pictures. You can't tell me the writers and photographers didn't have strong GIMP tendencies. |