Red Alert 2 Iso Download Kickass

Posted By admin On 17.07.19
From Unimatrix: Red Alert 2: Apocalypse adds new features to your Red Alert 2 game.

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AlertRed Alert 2 Iso Download Kickass

Red Alert 2: Apocalypse version 3.1.000 by Master X.A.A. Overmind of Borg. This mod adds 132 completely new units, structures, technologies and SuperWeapons to the original Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge.3 main SuperWeapons added: The Parabombs, the Translocation and the Airstrike. 2 sets of Parabombs are added.

Red Alert 2 Iso Download Kickass

Red alert 2 iso download kickass

5 sets of reinforcements also added. 2 Ultimate SuperWeapons are added: The Paradox and The Force.3 Special units are also added: Chrono Yuri Prime (Yuri), Borg Tactical Cube (Soviets) and Chrono A-Bomb (Allies).The mod can be enabled and disabled using Enable.bat and Disable.bat. Requirement: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge 1.001 + 25 MB free space. The mod can be made compatible with version 1.000 using v1000fix.bat To make it compatible with game version 1.001 again use 1000undo.bat.

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