Bennetts Cosmetics Formulary Pdf File
Posted By admin On 24.08.19Supplement to Fenner's complete formulary : embracing the new chemical, pharmaceutical, and miscellaneous preparations and formulas and information regarding them / compiled and written by B. Fenner (1898) (Reprint)
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About this Item: Pranava Books, 2019. Softcover. Condition: NEW. 2019. Softcover edition. Condition: New. 152 pages Language: eng. Reprinted from 1898 edition. NO changes have been made to the original text. This is NOT a retyped or an ocr'd reprint. Illustrations, Index, if any, are included in black and white. Each page is checked manually before printing. As this print on demand book is reprinted from a very old book, there could be some missing or flawed pages, but we always try to make the book as complete as possible. Fold-outs, if any, are not part of the book. If the original book was published in multiple volumes then this reprint is of only one volume, not the whole set. This paperback book is SEWN, where the book block is actually sewn (smythe sewn/section sewn) with thread before binding which results in a more durable type of paperback binding. It can also be open wide. The pages will not fall out and will be around for a lot longer than normal paperbacks. 152 pages. Seller Inventory # 100152003196
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© 2011, AJMPRAsian Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Researches
Scienceline Publication Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 2(3): 58-60, 2012
Formulation and Evaluation of Lipstick Containing Herbal
Pooja Mishra1* and Sumeet Dwivedi2
1ALPINE Institute of Technology, Ujjain, (M.P.), India
2Department of Pharmacognosy, Ujjain Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ujjain, (M.P.), India
* Corresponding author’s Email:,
ABSTRACT: Coloring skin particularly skin of face and lips is an ancient practice going back to
prehistoric period. In present days the use of such product has increased and choice of shades of color,
texture and luster have been changed and become wider. This can be observed from the fact that lipsticks
are marked in hundreds of shades of colors to satisfy the demand of women. The present investigation was
done to formulate lipstick containing herbal ingredients, since lipsticks are one of the key cosmetics to be
used by the women. Attempt was also made to evaluate the formulated herbal lipsticks. From the present
investigation it was found that that the HL, F-3 having promising results such as pH 6.89+0.12, melting
point 59-62, thixotropy 10.5 etc.
Keywords: Cosmetics, Herbs, Herbal lipstick, Formulation, Evaluation
INTRODUCTION plant& plant only. However there is resurgence of use of
herbs both as drug and cosmetics (Chattopadhyay, 2005).
Cosmetics are substances used to enhance the
appearance of the human body. Cosmetics include skin- Coloring lips in an ancient practice date back to
care creams, lotions, powders, perfumes, lipsticks, prehistoric period. In present days the use of product has
fingernail and toe nail polish, eye and facial makeup, increased and choice of shades of colors textures, lustrous,
permanent waves, colored contact lenses, hair colors, hair have been changed and become wider. This can observed
sprays and gels, deodorants, baby products, bath oils, from the facts that lipstick is marketed in hundreds of
bubble baths, bath salts, butters and many other types of sheds of colors to satisfy the demand for the women
products are in great demand in both developing and (Chattopadhyay, 2005). Due to various adverse effects of
developed countries (Benett, 1983). available synthetic preparation the present work was
conceived by us to formulate an herbal lipstick having
The word herbal is a symbol of safety in contrast minimal or no side effects which will extensively use by
to the synthetic one which has adverse effects on human the women of our communities with great surety and
health. Herbal preparations viz., herbal tablets, herbal satisfaction.
tonics, herbal paste, herbal shampoo, herbal sindur, herbal
contraceptives and herbal lipstick has become popular MATERIALS AND METHODS
among the consumer herbal medicines represent the fastest
growing segment to heal the various ailments. Possibly, Following methods were adopted by the authors
herbal user desire to assume control over health care during the course of present investigation.
needs. Perhaps the large in personal healthcare system is
unpatable to many and they turn to herbal medicine due to Selection of herbs: The various herbs used in the
increase side effects of available synthetic preparations formulation of herbal lipsticks were selected on the basis
(Kaul et al., 2010; Dwivedi et al., 2008). of literature survey (Dwivedi et al., 2008; Chattopadhyay,
1975). Collection and authentication of herbs of plant
Herbal cosmetics have growing demand in the material: The different herbs used in formulation of herbal
world market and are an invaluable gift of nature. There lipstick were collected in the months of August 2012 from
are a wide range of herbal cosmetics products to satisfy the local village farmers of Ujjain district and
your beauty regime, adding herbal in cosmetic is very safe authenticated by Dr. S.N. Dwivedi, Prof. and Head,
for skin. Human being have been using herbs for different Department of Botany, Janata PG College, APS,
purpose like food, medicine, beatifying with advancement University, Rewa, M.P-India and a voucher specimen
of science & technology use of natural things including JC/HR/07/01-08 were deposited in our department.
plant has been reduced except for food, vegetarian takes
To cite this paper: Mishra P and Dwivedi S. 2012. Formulation And Evaluation of Lipstick Containing Herbal Ingredients. Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 2(3): 58-60.
Asian J. Med. Pharm. Res., 2(3): 58-60, 2012
Formulation of herbal lipstick: The herbal lipstick Evaluation of herbal lipstick :It is very essential to
maintain a uniform standard for herbal lipstick, keeping
was formulated as per method described (Sharma, 2005; this view in mind the formulated herbal lipsticks was
evaluated on the parameters such as melting point,
Jain et al., 2005). The ingredients used in the formulation breaking point, thixotropy character, force of application,
surface anomalies etc. ( Mittal et al., 2003; Dwivedi et al.,
of herbal lipstick are: Niger oil, Kokum butter, 2009).
Beeswax Ripe fruit powder of shikakai, Turmeric powder,
Strawberry essence, Lemon juice, Vanilla essence.
All the ingredients are taken in definite ratio and 5
formulations [F1 to F5] were prepared.
Table 1. Ingredients with their prescribed quantity in the formulation of herbal lipstick
Quantity (gm)
S/No. Ingredients Importance F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
1. Niger oil Blending properties 54 50 51 52 53
2. Kokum butter Glossy & hardness 15 16 13 13 14
3. Bees wax Glossy & hardness 12 13 14 12 11
4. Ripe fruit of shikakai Surfactant 6.5 7.5 8.5 9.5 8.0
5. Turmeric powder Coloring agent 10 11 12 11 10
6. Strawberry essence Flavoring agent 1.5 1.5 1.0 02 2.5
7. Lemon juice Anti-oxidant 01 01 0.5 0.5 0.5
8. Vanilla essence Preservative q.s q.s q.s q.s q.s
Abbr.: q.s. = quantity sufficient Aging stability: The product was stored in 40o C at
1 hrs. Various parameters such as bleeding, crystallization
Melting point: Determination of melting point is of on surface and ease of application were observed.
important as it is an indication of the limit of safe storage.
The melting point of formulated lipstick was determined Solubility test: The formulation herbal lipstick was
by capillary tube method the capillary was filled, keep in dissolved in various solvents to observe the solubility.
the capillary apparatus and firstly observed the product
was slowly-slowly milted. After sometimes was observed PH parameter: The pH of formulated herbal lipstick
the product was completely melted. The above procedure was determined using pH meter.
was done in 3 times and the melting point ratio was
observed in different-different formulation. Skin irritation test: It is carried out by applying
product on the skin for 10 min.
Breaking point: Breaking point is done to determine
the strength of lipstick. The lipstick is held horizontally in Perfume stability: The formulation herbal lipstick
a socket ½ inch away from the edge of support. The was tested after 30 days, to record the fragrance.
weight is gradually increased by a specific value (10 gm)
at specific interval of 30 second and weight at which RESULTS
breaks is considered as the breaking point.
The prepared formulation (Table 1) was evaluated
Thixotrophy character: It is indication of thixotropic (Table 2) and it was found that the HL, F-3 (Fig. 2) was
quality and is done by using penetrometer. A standard best among the five formulations. Hence, from present
needle of specific diameter is allowed to penetrate for 5 investigation it was concluded that this formulated herbal
seconds under a 50 gm load at 25oC. The depth of lipsticks has better option to women with minimal side
penetration is a measurement of the thixotropic structure effects though a detailed clinical trials may be done to
of lipstick. access the formulation for better efficacy.
Force of application: It is test for comparative DISCUSSION
measurement of the force to be applied for application. A
piece of coarse brown paper can be kept on a shadow In last few decades there has been tremendous boost
graph balance and lipstick can be applied at 45o angle to in use of cosmetics by women. However, the hazards
cover a 1 sq. inch area until fully covered. The pressure cause by these chemicals has come into limelight very
reading is an indication of force of application. recently. The present work formulation and evaluation of
herbal lipsticks was aimed to formulate a lipstick using
Surface anomalies: This is studied by the surface herbal ingredients with a hope to minimize the side effects
defects, such as no formation crystals on surfaces, no as produced by the available synthetic ones.
contamination by moulds, fungi etc.
Mishra and Dwivedi, 2012
Table 2. Evaluation of formulated herbal lipsticks (F1 to F5)
S/ No. Evaluation F1 F2 Inference F4 F5
parameter Brownish Brownish Brownish Brownish
1. F3
Color yellow yellow Brownish yellow yellow
2. 6.43+0.30 6.71+0.22 6.72+0.13 6.66+0.21
3. pH yellow
4. Skin irritation test No No 6.89+0.12 No No
5. Melting point 60-61 61-63 60-61 63-63
6. Breaking point No
7. Thixotropy character 31 30 59-62 31 32
8. Force of application
9. Perfume stability 9 10.2 30 9.8 9
10. Surface anomalies 10.5
11. Aging stability Good Good Easy Easy Poor
Solubility test
+++ ++ + +++ ++
No defect No defect No defect No defect No defect
Smooth Smooth Smooth smooth Smooth
Chloroform chloroform chloroform chloroform chloroform
Fig. 1 Different batches of formulated herbal lipsticks (F1 to F5) Fig. 1 Formulated herbal lipsticks (F3)
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Dwivedi Sumeet, Dwivedi Sangeeta and Patel P.C. (2009).
The authors are thankful to the Principal, UIPS for Formulation, evaluation and antimicrobial activity of
herbal lipstick, In Recent Advances in Prospects and
providing the necessary facilities in the College. Sincerely Potential of Medicinal Plants, Ed. S. N. Dwivedi,
thanks to Dr. S.N. Dwivedi, Principal Investigator, Gayatri Publication, Rewa, 39-43.
Department of Botany, Janata College, A.P.S. University
(M.P.) for their valuable support. Jain S.K. & Sharma N.K. (2005). A Text Book of
Pharmaceutics. Vallabh Prakashan.
Benett, W. (1983). Bennett's Cosmetic Formulary, II ed. Kaul Shefali and Dwivedi Sumeet (2010). Indigenous
ayurvedic knowledge of some species in the treatment
Chemical Publishing Company, New York, 90-100. of human disease and disorders. International Journal
Chattopadhyay A.K. (1975). Indian Materica Medica, 3rd of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, 1(1):44-49.
Ed, vol. II. Popular Prakashan, Mumbai. Mittal B.M. and Saha R.N. (2003). Handbook of
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Ayuvedic Medicines, I ed. National Institute of Sharma P.P. (2005). Cosmetics- formulation and Quality
Industrial Research, 45-50.2. Control, 3rd ed. Vandana Publication.
Dwivedi Sumeet, Dwivedi Abhishek & Dwivedi S. N.
(2008). Folklore uses of some plants by the tribals of
Madhya Pradesh with special reference to their
conservation. Ethno botanical Leaflets, 12: 741-743.
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Pharmaceutical Review, 6(3), (Pharmainfo.Net).
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